Monday, September 23, 2024

Mischief Monday - A Conversation between Lee and Lady

 Lady: Lee and I want to talk about the mischief from this week.

Lee: If this is about my accidents, no one wants to read about poop. Poop happens, get over it.

Lady: No, it is not about the upset tunny or accidents. That is part of this chapter of your journey. I know they aren't intentional.

Lee: Other than that I think I was perfect. What could it possibly be about?

Lady: It is about how much you barked at the neighbour's this week. The one day you barked for like 15 minutes one day. You barked and barked and carried on every time we went outside. 

Lee: There was a big shifty machine making noise all day. There were big bangs. They didn't check with me to see if this was ok. 

Lady: I know the shovel is loud, and dropping the huge boulders was loud, and you didn't love it, but they are in fact allowed to do work on their property.

Lee: They require my permission. Everyone should have my permission to do anything. 

Lady: No they do not need your permission. Luckily the shovel was loud enough they didn't hear you carrying on and on and on. 

Lee: Too bad they didn't, because maybe they would have stopped. 

Lady: The shovel work should be done and they are going to have a beautiful back step and driveway.

Lee: Took long enough. Will I get to go over and see it?

Lady: Yes I am sure you can check it out.

Lee: Then I will pee on it and own it so if they change it again, I have a right to bark. 

Lady: No I don't think you need to pee on it.  It will always be theirs and Cali's.

Lee: Sigh, I am sure I can find something else to bark at this week.

Lady: I am sure you will. 


  1. I hope they are done with the big machines, at least now Lady knows no machine will be sneaking onto your property

  2. you can bark at harvey the invisible rabbit.... he shows up at 2 am... but make sure you can run after the barkfest.....people are not happy for protecting them from invisible rabbits... sigh...

  3. Lee I support you here ,
    "Lee: There was a big shifty machine making noise all day. There were big bangs. They didn't check with me to see if this was ok."
    I think anytime your neighbors/or resident staff will be doing something out of the ordinary you should be consulted. If not, Bark. If you don't complain things don't change.
    Hugs HiC

  4. Hari OM
    On the whole, I would say that conversation went well... both came away feeling like they got their p.o.v. over. Win-win. For now. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Loud scary machines are always worth barking at, Hailey. We think you were completely correct and hope you get to pee on what they made with all that noise.

  6. I am still grinning at that convo. You are hilarious Hailey bug.

  7. Oh Lee, Angel Lightning so understands. He was our barker but only when there was someone, something like a car or truck that he just knew didn't belong on HIS street. He let the whole world know something was off. It sure was annoying to Mom but she would give anything to still hear him:(

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Great conversation. You don't want any of your neighbors to think you were shunning them

  9. When Gail sits me down for a "conversation" I just know it won't be to tell me how wonderful I am...


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