Thursday, September 26, 2024

Fall Work Begins

 Sunday marked the first official day of autumn. This means the lazy days of summer are behind us. This is hard to believe because we have had summer temperatures. Now the work to start to prepare for winter begins. 

Our people are so lucky to have us to help.

We can help keep an eye on the fire (still slowly, slowly burning the old deck).

We can point out where the leaves need to be raked. 

We can ensure the Man isn't raking up anything we want to eat. 

We are really big helps. 


  1. we start the leaves harvest too... my... how much are on a tree? 87 or more?

  2. we sure know about big helpers, ha ha... I like what Collie called you, snoopervisors!

  3. In the winter our furries laid near the burning pile .

  4. Raking is hard work...and much snoopervision is needed
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. You two do great work helping with the yard clean up.

  6. We can't wait for the leaves here to fall and then get raked into big piles. That's the best time for zoomies!!! Right through the piles.

  7. The end of summer is sad but playing in the leaves is fun and it sure is pretty


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