Thursday, September 19, 2024

More About Staying at The Pet Sitter's


After the first rough 24 hours, where all the things were tried, for the most part the dogs settled.

They even tried a thunder shirt!

Phod still had his pacing moments, but he was much better, especially by the last day. 

Hard to buy his sob story

Lee was a rock star. Other than a few accidents, there were no issues with her.  It is funny how with age, my former problem child is my easier one in so many ways. 

When we arrived to pick them up at 10 pm on Friday (thanks flight delays), they were both happy, but Phod was beside himself. He was jumping for joy the best his old body could! I do think he would have settled more with more time. He was a little embarrassing.  At no point was I concerned about his wellbeing. 

Looking at him, I am not buying the this is terrible

The drive home was far less eventful than the drive there. There were no bodily fluids.

Lee and Phod would like to add their experience to this post. 

Lee: It was better than jail and there was this other dog's beds I could take and he did nothing about it. 

Phod: Lady and Man left me for 87 million years and I was sure I was going to die so I had to freak out and carry on. Then the pet sitter joined me in freaking out and we stayed up freaking out all night and I was so tired and I tried so hard not to sleep. I did not enjoy the snuggles or anything. It was terrible. 


  1. we are so glad that it was better than jail...and we are glad you two survived that...

  2. looks to me like it was a lot better than jail. and your jailers loved you both... its all about who the jailers are for dogs.

  3. Lady and Man you found a treasure in this sitter so extra x 87 happy for you.
    WOW it will make the Oct adventure enjoyable
    Hugs x 4

  4. You say their behavior is embarrassing but remember we people do not like to be put with people we do not know and the older we get the more set in our ways we become. Look at it from a dogs point of view. They had never met these people before and suddenly they are left. A long time ago I had dogs that did not do well with other dogs. I was embarrassed until I read that it is like people. Some people like other people , some prefer to be left alone. It stated why do we think our dogs have to like other dogs. Some dogs just do not and it made sense. I stopped being embarrassed.

  5. Gail says your pet sitter is a hero, but I think it's you, both Lee and Phod, who deserve praise.


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