Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Patrol I Shouldn't Do - by Phod

 Dear pals,

We live on a very quiet private, one lane dirt road that has like 4 permanent residents and 6 cottagers. It is generally very boring. Well the other day, it was exciting. While I was out doing my yard patrol, two people I didn't know, jogged by. Now clearly this young couple, who were minding their business, were a great threat to my Lady, so I had to run  down the driveway barking at them, while Lady yelled for me to stop and that I was nice.

They laughed and kept running, and I didn't go after them. Once they were past my driveway, they were no longer a threat.

I may have taken this opportunity to do some road patrol.

Lady making me go back up the driveway

I am not supposed to be on the road without my Lady or Man, but I couldn't help it. The deer are by the apple tree a lot and there are so many cats. Lady will have to forgive me, because I am just doing the important job of keeping her safe.

your pal, Road Patrol Phod


  1. your home is like that fort knox when you are up for patrol thats for sure...

  2. Hari OM
    You were doing the absolute best for your property and peeps, Phoddy dear... though, pawhaps, being by the road is a bit borderline... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You are a great watchDog, Phod, and that's a very important job that you have!

  4. Phod, of course you are doing a Very Important job. Who could ever think otherwise?

  5. Phod, you are an excellent watch dog. I’m sure the Lady appreciated your patrolling.

  6. That was excellent work making sure those people didn't threaten your parents, Phod.


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