Friday, September 6, 2024

Nature Friday - Connecticut Adventures

 Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event.

On August 23rd, I drove the 8.5 hours, through 2 provinces and 3 states to visit a friend who lives outside Hartford Connecticut. I had never been to Connecticut. The drive was beautiful and rather uneventful.

I had an amazing time with my friend and her lovely children. Here are some of the nature highlights.

My friend and I climbed the 1000 feet up to see the Heublein Tower in Talcott Mountain State Park.

Looking down from the top

The tower

The valley below

Fun fact, it was in this location that Eisenhower was asked to run for president. 

We also took a two trips to Enders State Forest, once without the children, and once for the children to play in the water. There are many places that are safe and less rocky that many people were enjoying. 

Finally, on the nature circuit, we went and picked flowers at a farm, and enjoyed some cows.

Rows of flowers

My cup

The weekend went by quickly and Monday I took the long drive home. Again a beautiful drive. 

I hope you enjoyed this mix of nature.


  1. what a beautiful area... we love the tower! and wow what a view!!! could you even see us from there?

  2. We live in CT and have never been to Talcott State Park. The castle is gorgeous!

  3. Hari Om
    Well done for taking the break and finding such wonderful scenery and pretty flowers! YAM xx

  4. Oooh, how interesting to see something of Connecticut - as state we don't hear too much about, at least not here in the UK.
    So glad Lady enjoyed her weekend away, although we're sure she was missing Lee, Phod, and maybe even Man!

  5. Awww, we are in Connecticut! I wish we had known you were coming, we were actually up in that area for a dog show!

  6. Our Mom and Dad lived in that area for nine years. They lived in South Windsor. Granby is not too far away from there. They both were also born in Massachusetts. They miss the New England area very much. Too bad your visit wasn't just a few weeks later when the fall foliage is in full array.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. That is a great area. My parents have been to Hartford and amongst the state capitols it is one.

  8. Ohhh what fun Lady...(we were on a mini vacation 9/4-6th. Just returned.
    I loved all your photos and OMDs you were brave to drive that far
    Hugs Cecilia


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