Friday, September 13, 2024

Nature Friday - I Will Not Pose - by Phod

 Dear pals,

First I thank Rosy and Sunny for hosting this. I much prefer when Lady does not try and include me in the nature pictures, but here we are.

Lady wanted me to show you how her sunflowers were doing. As you know, they were a little damaged after hurricane Debby. 

Lady says nature is amazing, look what the bent stalks have done:

They are close to the ground, but they have grown up so that Lady should get some more flowers this week.

Don't want to stop and pose

Good smells here

more miracle growing

The prize

I hope you enjoyed the sunflowers and I am sure there will be more of them. Lady grows these from seeds every year. It is the only gardening she really does, so she is proud of them.

your pal, too busy to pose, Phod


  1. they are magic plants... and they are important for stephen kings stories ;o)

  2. I always wanted to grow them, never did. I love the photos of the flowers

  3. No posing PHOD but at least you strolled by them and FYI seeing your tushie was a treat
    Love the prize Sunflower
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. She should be proud of them. Those are some beautiful sunflowers...and you look handsome from every angle Phoddy, even when you don't pose!
    Rosy & Sunny

  5. There is a sunflower farm about an hour away. We visited it twice, but haven’t made it recent years. Which makes me sad, because it’s beautiful with sunflowers stretching out over acres and acres. Maybe next year we will make it.

  6. That's right, Phod...let the flowers do the posing.

  7. How cool that those sunflowers are still growing. We can't wait to see the flowers they produce.

  8. We love the sunflowers. That last one is going to be beautiful when it is fully open.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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