Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Dear Santa - By Hailey

Dear Santa,

I am Hailey Bug aka Lee. I will be 14 in a month and Lady says that is a miracle. Not just because I had a big health scare this year, but because I have always been a challenge free spirit. 

Santa - I don't try to be bad - I just try to be me, and live in the present moment and do what my heart tells me to do. Sometimes my heart says, your people left you for 2 hours, show them your displeasure by peeing on the floor, so I do. Sometimes my heart says explore, so I run through the bush. I am just trying to live my best life.  

I think I should get some extra treats this year because I have had to tolerate a lot. I have had to deal with all the weird neurological stuff and my head is still tilted. I am still a little tippy. I had to deal with all the side effects (good and not so good) from the steroids. I have had to deal with getting brushed (which I hate) because I am blowing my coat. This, on top of just getting a bit slower due to age has been a lot. I really should be rewarded for how well I have handled all of this. 

While my people can be slow and annoy me for not being as responsive as I want, when I want it, and they may do horrible things like take me to the vet, I do know they love me very much. I do know that Phod and I are lucky, to have people who try so hard. However, I think I would like them to be a little more responsive. I should not have to bark more than once to get a treat or go outside. If you could give them a kick in the butt, I would appreciate it. 

Like Phod, I also hope the world can find some peace and love. May every living creature be a little safer in 2024. 

Thank you Santa,

Love Hailey Bug



  1. Oh Hailey, I are sure that, after reading your beautifully written letter, Santa will fully understand that you have bravely tolerated a number of difficulties this year and he will come through for you and grant all your requests in full.
    PS Gail is not sure about the 'one bark, one treat' thing...

  2. Hari OM
    Indeed, Lee dear, I also think that Santa will look lightly upon you... a lot of dogs would just have turned tail and said enough is enough! You do look cute in your festive gear, thanks for tolerating that too... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That is an excellent letter to Santa, Hailey. We're sure you are on the nice list and will get all and more of what you wish.

  4. Great letter. I think Santa knows you are a good, if somewhat misunderstood boy.

  5. I hope you get your extra treats this year. You totally deserve them, Hailey!


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