Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Trouble on A Tuesday - The Most Terrible Day - by Phod

 Dear pals,

I must admit that my life is usually pretty good. My people take good care of me. I get to sleep in the closet a lot. However, one day last week I had the most terrible awful day.

It started out ok. After lunch, Lady left the house for maybe 50 minutes to go on a solo walk. I was asleep in the closet when she left. 

When she returned, as soon as she opened the door the scent hit her.  While she was out, I had a little problem. I went downstairs and managed to walk and have diarrhea that coved about 12 feet. Lady scrubbed and cleaned and had to open all the windows because the scent lingered. 

My tummy continued to be unsettled for the rest of the afternoon, but fortunately, we were able to get outside.

That evening, during my post dinner stroll, we stopped to chat with Callie's people. I was having a nice time catching up. I was a little mad at Callie's Man for being away and didn't really want to talk to him.  He would go to pet me and I would turn away. Suddenly, out of no where all these wasps appeared where I was standing. As Lady was trying to move me, I stepped on a wasp. It hurt! Callie's Man gave me a lot of love. He and my Man checked my paw. It stung and I limped home.

While I wasn't happy about being stung, what happened next was worse. My people tried to ice my paw. I did not like this. I kicked the ice out, making the floor slippery and then slid and fell and it was horrible.

My paw felt fine by the next day.

Needless to say, I don't need a bad day like that again anytime soon.

your pal, please keep the ice to yourself Phod


  1. Oh dear Phod, poor you, that all sounds really horrid. Gail says I should also extend sympathy to Lady because of all the floor scrubbing she had to do, but that doesn't sound nearly as bad as having one's paw iced ...
    Anyway, I do hope today is going better for all the family.

  2. oh poor phod what a day from deepest hell for you ... we agree this wasps are devils, they make the world dangerous this time... hugs to you we hope the thunderstorm in your stomach is gone and you are back to 100 % k9

  3. my heart is hurting for you even though it is all over by now. Beau hates bees and wasps and so does his Mama, we call the dad to kill them or tear down nests. he doesn't like them but doesn't scream if they steam him like mama. so sorry about the upset tummy. hope that is gone by now too..

  4. Hari OM
    Darling Phoddy, what an absolutely dreadful set of events for you. I am just glad the hyoomons were able to take care of your needs - even if they got it a bit wrong with the ice. Sending some POTP your way, just to pep you up a bit. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a horrible day for you, Phod, and wasp stings are the WORST!

  6. That sure sounds like a terrible day. We have our paws crossed that it never happens to you again, Phod.

  7. Oh Phod, that was a terrible and awful day. We hope the rest of the week is a lot better!
    Sunny & Rosy

  8. Oh no Phod that was a day from he double hockey sticks NOT to ever NO ever be repeated.
    I stepped on a wasp once...I was barefooted...I have not gone barefooted since it hurt
    Sending kisses and sympathy

  9. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. That sounds awful....kind of like a day when you wished you had just stayed in bed. Hope everything is ok now.

  10. You poor pupper! No more bad days for you! Only good ones!

  11. Oh Phod, we are so sorry to hear about your terrible day. We hope your tummy is feeling better and you have no more stinging in your paw. And you know, your Lady understands.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. I hope that is the worst day you will have this year and the rest will be much better


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