Monday, August 12, 2024

Mischief Monday - Annual Check Up and Weather

Friday was the dogs annual check up. I admit, I was a little nervous because at last year's Hailey had her first major neurological event at the check up (what a coincidence). So Man and I took them together.

The check ups went fine. Lee now joins team Librela. Her ears are a bit dirty and need some cleaning. Phod's skin has cleared up nicely and his ears look great. For their ages, they are fine. 

The mischief happened on the drive to the vet.

Before it all went wrong

Before it went crazy!

First, it was pouring rain (more about that in a minute). Less then 10 minutes into the 25 minute drive, Lee pooped on the back seat of the car. Before we could pull over to clean it up, Phod stood in it and then sat on it. I had to clean this up as best I could. Then a few minutes later, after we starting driving again Phod threw up. I admit, I laughed and laughed and laughed. We got to the clinic and got everyone settled to wait inside. I tried to clean the car up a bit better (knowing what needed to happen was a good washing of the dog seat covers) and returned to the clinic to join the rest. We were sitting there and the Man looks at me and goes "is that sh*t on your leg?" - yep somehow I had gotten the dog poop on my leg. This just made me laugh harder. I can't wait until I take them both alone next month for their Librela shots!

Wanting to go

On the list of the day's patients

Later in the day, after a lot of rain (apparently up to 4 inches in a day, record breaking numbers), Man and I were heading to the city to do the Escape the Ghost Ship that got stormed out  the previous Saturday night (a thunder storm had rolled in and it was not safe to be on a boat - we drove home in hail). We got to drive through flooding, caused by Hurricane Debby. 

This is what the road about 10 minutes from our house usually looks like.

This was taken about 24 hours after the next picture

This is what we drove through.

Should we have turned around? Probably!

On our way home, it had gotten higher and worse. At the barrier, they told us we had a 50-50 chance of being able to get home that way. We may need to do a 1.5 hour detour. We knew a back road through the mountains that we had to use during previous flooding. Fortunately, that 15 minute or so detour was open and we were home in good time. By the morning the 4 feet of water (that is how high it got) had receded and the highway was open again. 

(We technically didn't escape the ghost ship - there was a little cheating at the end by a team member that got the amulet - although our team - who were all just other random people there, got very close and much closer than the other group).

Special thanks to June and Ann for featuring Hailey in their animal feature last Friday. You can check it out HERE


  1. OMDs....Lee and Phod...when it rains it pours from the sky and in the car. Talk about a double whammie. Thankful for good reports
    WOW so very very x 100 happy Man knew another way home so you could turn around. I saw lots of photos flooding in Montreal...folks were standing on cars and some of the cars were floating. So very scary
    all kinds of happy you 4 are home and DRY

  2. Oh my goodness, that is just TOO MUCH happening on just one trip to the vet. We are glad you made it how safely, and Gail says she hopes the car is now odour free. She also says she is grateful that my vet is just a five minute walk away!

  3. Hari OM
    Ye dogs, it rains not but poohrs... an adage most apt to this occasion, methinks!!! Glad you all got home safe and laughter beats tears. There was enough water going on. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Thank goodness you had a sense of humor at the vet's! The flooding is so scary and just awful.

  5. We're glad to hear you both checked out okay and that your parents made it back to you despite risking driving through the high water. For our regular check ups our parents have switched us to an at home vet. It is more expensive but since it greatly reduces the stress level (especially for Walter) it's worth it. This may not be available where you live but it's made our vet visits much more relaxed. We've seen the same vet every time and Walter gives her kisses which is something he never did when taken to the vet.

  6. We are so sorry for the misery on the vet trip. Mom had one awful experience with Phantom years ago on an icy and snowy day. She was on her way home from the vet with him in the back seat and with the odors wafting through the car, she knew he had to go. There was no place to pull over safely, and so he did his thing - diarrhea bigtime. And no protection on the leather seats that were "perforated" because they were heated seats, vented to let the air out. The car spent two weeks at the detail shop getting cleaned and recleaned multiple times to get the smell out. It was a nightmare. Needless to say, there are now always protectors on the seats:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. You had it worse than Vincent and Jules in Pulp Fiction

  8. I am thinking you met up with Murphy's law that day, one thing after another, this is funny and not funny at the same time. that rain must have been Debby who dumped 12 inches on us in one day.. we are watching TV now of people that there homes are just now out of water in their homes. glad you made is safely home and no water in your house, we were safe too


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