Friday, August 2, 2024

Nature Friday - Solo Walks

 In times past, when the dogs were younger, we use to walk 2-3 km (1.2-1.8m) in the morning. This summer, we are walking about 1 km (.66m). While this is what the pups need, and I appreciate they can still walk this far in their golden years, I have noticed a difference since I have been walking less. So, I have implemented the solo long walk several mornings a week. After walking the dogs, I put on a podcast or audiobook and take myself for a walk. It isn't the same, I miss the pups, but I do feel better.

Here are some pictures from some recent solo walks.

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event. 


  1. do the same... after I was with the two boys, I take myself for a short walk :o)

  2. Beau is only able to walk slowly half of what we used to walk. and we walked much faster. I can tell a huge difference and as soon as the heat index gets out of triple digits will add a walk for me. Bob can only walk 1/4 of what we used to walk, I am so happy that Beau is able to keep walking slow and steady..

  3. Hari OM
    Gorgeous pics... and I commend you on taking to solo walking. Not only is it important for your own immediate health, but it will act as prep for the day the dogs will not be there even for a mile. YAM xx

  4. K10 I 100% agree about walking. It is an cure for what ails us from the tip of our heads to the tip of our toes.
    So hot here I've been walking in the climate control shoppiong mall. 109 feels like predicted today.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. How special to spot a mom and her fawn. We bet if the pups were with you they wouldn't stay still long enough for you to take a picture.

  6. I was 40 years old when I acquired my first dog. Before then I would frequently go for solo walks and think nothing of it, but now, on the rare occasions when I go out walking without Nobby, I feel something is missing.

  7. I understand. When Molly was done with walking, I went by myself. Beautiful shots!

  8. I bet some of the wild life come out when you walk sans dogs.


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