Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Trouble on a Tuesday - A Visitor

Whose in the cage Lady brought home?

Hello friend! (while Phod sniffs the car to determine where it has been)

It is cousin Emma - here for 9 or 10 days while Uncle Chris is in San Diego for work

We can't imagine we will have any mischief to report next week!


  1. ha ha ho ho he he on nothing to report next week. she looks so scared. I hope the three of you become great friends and the next post will show the two of you are great hosts to your guest.

  2. We bet you all will have lots of fun together. Emma is so lucky to be able to spend time with you while her dad is away.

  3. You guys will not be bored with cousin Emma in the house - that's for sure!

  4. BOL...nope, no mischief at all!
    Rosy and Sunny

  5. Hari OM
    Bwwwhahahahahahahah, Yeah. Okay... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx


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