Friday, July 21, 2023

Nature Friday and the Phod Update

 First, the Phod update.

Yesterday I had to go to my new vet and get my canal out. I was a super good boy and it came out easy. Sadly, I still have some ear infection, so I will need to have ear drops 2x a week for 2 weeks. Then I will go back for a follow up. 

As soon as we went in, I wanted to go.

In the most exciting news, I can go swimming in 2-3 days. I just need to let my ear heal a bit. Chantal the vet tech gets some big points for telling my Lady that!

In other news, I am trying a new shot for arthritis. I am getting to be an old stiff man.  I got my first shot of Librela. It can take 2 months to work. I will get a second when I go from my check up later in August (I am due as is Hailey).  Lady has a friend whose dog has responded so well to this. In not as good news, I am not allowed to play fetch anymore, even if I want to. Sigh!

Patiently waiting

I did get to meet a friend at the vet. I didn't get her name, but she seemed nice. I didn't get to interact with all the other dogs there. One went to the bridge while I was there. So let's send some cosmic love to her poor Lady. Lady later saw them carrying the body bag. That was very sad. We are extra glad we had this puppy to make us smile.

Now onto the Nature part. Lady has mentioned she is not a natural gardener, but she has some interest in this so is working on creating some easy to maintain ones. She and Callie's Man were talking about creating more garden space for next year. It started because Lady asked him to provide gravel for a new front walk (one of his many businesses is he owns a gravel pit and if she needs to buy it, she wants to buy it from someone she knows and trusts) and this turned into needing to extend the front garden so Man doesn't have to whipper snip the one side, and then having Callie's Man dig out the grass at the well as Lady is over it and if he is coming with a digger, it will save her a lot of work. He is also going to fix our front step. So this little thing has become a whole big thing. Man just shook his head and walked away as Lady and Callie's Man planned. This is expected to be a fall project.

At any rate, her focus this year has been on the side garden. Her sunflowers didn't do as well this year, so while she has left room for them in the future, she added these two plants. 

Once she is satisfied with this, she is going to create some sort of edge and get some mulch to keep the weeds down.  She needs to clean up the far end that has her bulbs and has been researching summer bulbs to plant around it. She is fortunate that Callie's grandmother is a gardener (so Callie' gardens are beautiful) and she can take some inspiration from her.


  1. Hari OM
    Continuing POTP for you Phoddy dear... for the arthritis and the ear... and for Lady's garden, too... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. so happy the canals are out and soon you can swim, so very sorry the fetch has been nixed. Beau still misses his, but he is still walking well and the vet said he never would. glad the shot will help, will keep that in mind for beau. i might need one for myself soon. good luck with the job that is planned and new flowers

  3. We're glad to hear your ear is doing well and are keeping our paws crossed that the infection clears soon, Phod. Gardening is a love/hate thing around here. While they are beautiful to look at there is always some work to be done to keep them looking nice.

  4. PHOD that must have been a very young new friend. You could easily make 4 of him
    I am sending lots of thoughts to the family of the one who did not go home.
    YAY for swimming soon.
    I think Lady's flowers are very pretty
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Congrats on being able to go swimming Phod. Hip ip HURRAY!!

    We like your flowers...Mama is tring to keep the ones in our backyard alive..but it's been do darn HOT!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. We're so glad to hear you're getting better, Phod! Ear problems are the worst! Keep up the good work with the gardening. I wish I could give you some irises from my garden.

  7. Well Phod, we think swimming might help your stiffness as well as helping you get over not being able to play fetch.
    The puppy at the vets is super cute, but we do feel sorry for the poor lady who had to say goodbye to her companion.
    Gail is super impressed by Lady's ambitious plans for the garden. She had a big laugh at the words "Man just shook his head and walked away as Lady and Callie's Man planned".

  8. What a cute little puppy.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  9. I hope the medication clears things up. I can't wait to see you swimming again.

  10. We continue to send you AireZen and healing vibes, Phod, and we are so happy that you will be able to swim again very soon! Bummer about fetch. Lady's flowers are very pretty!


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