Monday, July 17, 2023

Mischief Monday - Building - by Lee

 Hi pals,

As we mentioned last week, we have a nest (last Lady checked momma bird was still around, she hasn't peaked in the nest recently) and this is changing deck construction. However, our builder has decided to start at the opposite side he was going to, so last week he was here for a day and should be back at it this week (if the composite has arrived). 

The builder clearly needed a lot of support. I did a good job at barking at him, for several hours (which Lady and Man loved because they were both working from home that day).

When it was meeting time, I got locked in Lady's office with her. I didn't bark, but I was NOT happy. 

This is what all the fuss has been over.

Lady and I are at a disagreement over what is the actual mischief - me barking and carrying on all day or me being forced into the office so I couldn't do my job at protecting my family. 

I will let you my dear readers decide. 


  1. In any dispute between a human and a dog, it is surely the case that the canine participant is always in the right.

  2. I the madsnapper do not agree with Nobby, that canines are always right, but think humans are always right. Nix the Barking! good job mama keeping you in the room with her...

  3. You were doing your duty to bark at those people working on your house, Hailey. We can't believe the Lady locked you in her office to keep you quiet.

  4. Busy times at your house, pups! Hopefully that deck will be done soon.

  5. Lee you are a trained professional people guardian. There is just no way to turn off that
    trait. I hope and purr the deck HANDS will soon be gone
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Hi friend, Ojo here! Clearly the issue is with being locked in the office when you need to be protecting your domain!

  7. How are you supposed to supervise the contractor when you are locked in a room.

  8. Boy, barking or being locked in, is a tough choice. Locked in is my vote, if there are treats involved in staying put. 🙂

  9. I hope you got an extra treat, for being under such stress.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.


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