Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Travel Tuesday - Niagara Falls - Part One

Maybe because they are tired of alway having their pictures taken, but my dogs have agreed to let me share some travel here for a few posts. 

I was recently away to go to Niagara Falls, Ontario, with some friends for a long weekend. 

I thought I would start by sharing pictures of the falls. The first day we walked to see them as a group. Then day 3 I walked along the top in the morning while my friends slept. Then on day 4, because my friends wanted to do nothing, and I knew I couldn't just sit in our suite until our ride arrived at 3:30 in the afternoon to take us back to Toronto to catch our transportation home, I went and did all the fall tourist stuff!

There are 3 falls, 2 American, the American and Bridal Veil Falls, and one Canadian, the Horseshoe Falls . I alway forget about the 3rd one. They are very young and only about 12 000 years old. While not the tallest, Niagara Falls has the world's highest water fall rate. It is eroding about a foot a year, and while impossible to imagine will just be a rapids some day.  90% of the fish who go over the falls survive. 20% of American drinking water flows over the falls. 

Sorry American friends, the Canadian side has a much better view! Here are some pictures from all the ways I saw the falls.

Horseshoe from the observation deck

Horseshoe from the journey behind the falls

Same as above but I was getting wet 

Tunnel behind the Horseshoe Falls

Bridal Veil from a boat

Horseshoe from a boat

American Falls from a boat

American and Bridal Veil from a boat

Horseshoe and Bridal from the Sky view 

Just a little fun!

Hope you enjoyed all the views of the falls! 


  1. Great photos (you're right about Canadian view being best) ... !

  2. The falls are just GORGEOUS and mom has always wanted to see them in person. You are very brave to be in that barrel and smiling too☺

  3. BOL BOL I love the last photo...you go Lady...I'll cheer you own and see you on the other side.
    BOL BOL Great photo op
    WE have been to Niagara and we agree the Candian side is out of this world wonderful
    My brother in law lived in Syracuse for many years. In the late 1980's we drove up to see him then we onto Niagara area for several days. Back then every one (including Marlu) had a heavy yellow slicker like the fishermen used to wear. Hers was so long but she was dryer than the adults.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Wow!! What beautiful views....Believe it or not, I have never been to Niagara Falls....I need to put it on my bucket list for sure!

  5. Oh No You Did Not! go over the falls in the barrel. ha ha love that ending. they are gorgoges pics of all of them. just stunning in photos. I like the view from the skyview.. and your selfie in your raincoat. who goes somewhere and sits in a room? yikes

  6. Awesome photos. Gail visited the Niagara Falls in 1982 (on the American side - she recalls people then saying that the Canadian side was better!) Imagine though - the falls are more than 40 ft lower than when she saw them!

  7. Oh goodness, what beautiful view you shared with us!!! Why your friends wouldn't want to join. you is crazy. We are happy you took those tours so we could see them too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  8. Our mom was born in Buffalo and has seen the falls from both sides and from a boat too. They really are something to experience especially from the boat. It looks like Lady had lots of fun exploring the falls from every angle


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