Thursday, May 16, 2024

I'll Do What I Want - by Lee

 Dear pals,

Lady and Man told me I shouldn't be climbing on the retaining wall that Callie's Man made us a number of years ago. They said, especially since I am more tippy it is not safe.

Well, I didn't listen to them and climbed on the retaining wall. Chipmunks live it it, so it always smells good. 

Looks totally safe to me

Besides I was a little ticked off with Lady at the time, because she had just got home smelling like cats! She went to celebrate cousin Troy and Aunt C's birthdays. 



If Lady can do what she wants to, I can do what I want to.

you pal, the mountain goat Hailey Bug


  1. Hey there Lady Lee, glad you were not harmed in the making of this post. Our vet told us that dogs are smart but not when it comes to making decisions that involve something that will cause pain. He said that about Beau, he said as long as you throw a ball a dog that loves to will chase it, so the human has to tell them what they can do. you be sure to listen to your Lady

  2. That looks like a fun place to climb as long as you don't fall off, Hailey.

  3. Hari Om
    Hailey, I get your point... but I gotta tell ya, I also see Lady's p.o.v. too... just call me unbiased! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Lee I love you tons...but I agree with Lady. Being a senior lady myself...I can confidently tell you falling is bad news. So I am very careful.
    Da Cats are beautiful...I would snuggle with them too
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Make sure your paws are firmly on the wall. You can't risk slipping. Be careful

  6. Sounds fair to us, just be careful Hailey!
    Rosy and Sunny


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