Monday, May 13, 2024

Mischief Monday - Mean Person 1, Us 0

Dear pals,

You may remember that a not very kind neighbour has been on a 3 year campaign to get our dock removed.  Well, we just found out, she has won round one, and our dock needs to be removed. 

It is amazing how this little thing can cause so much trouble

This is likely going to get messy as our very nice neighbour's Callie's people, are exploring all our options, many which involve things like lawyers. 

Lady has resolved to not let this nasty person win (and she has said a lot of HBO words). For now, we will continue to enjoy our beautiful, clear lake, even if we don't have a dock.

your pals, the lake loving Lee and Phod



  1. That is a very unkind neighbor! Your dock is beautiful and it doesn't look unsightly or problematic to me.

  2. Hari OM
    Some peeps just aren't happy unless they are making other folk miserable, it seems. Bummer. I wish your peeps all the best for getting a better result. Meanwhile, be sure to splash as much as possible to show it matters little as long as the water is there! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I agree with YAM and Duke's comments
    What in the world is the nasty neighbor's problem with your dock. Please keep us updated.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. LIFE, always something new about something old that is a problem or someone elses problem. hope Lady gets it worked out so you can put it back.

  5. What is her issue with your dock? It’s not even very large!

  6. Sheesh...Some humans are just silly!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. This is terrible. What's wrong with a dock?

  8. We think you should go pee and poop on those nasty neighbors property! Our paws are crossed that you can find a solution and get your dock back.

  9. We are on your side 100 percent. Judge Foley will try to help.


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