Thursday, August 31, 2023

I am Here Too

Dear pals,

While all the focus has been on Hailey, I wanted to remind you I am still here too.

I have done my best to be a good boy during all of this. 

I have been eating my food, and some of Hailey's.

I have been extra nervous and pacy at times because I am worried about all my pack and having to take on full guard duties alone. 

I was very concerned Friday when my people came back without Hailey, and kept telling them they were missing someone very important.  I was very happy when she came back and I gave her a good smell but then went back to giving her the space she needs. 

I have only wandered fully away once, but I brought myself home (after I heard the Man out calling for me). To add to all the stress, most of Callie's pack was away last week, and I had to keep checking to make sure everything was ok next door and that Callie's grandma was doing a good job at caring for her.

I know Lady and Man have done their best to take care of me too. I am hoping this week will be a little more normal.

The hopefully unforgettable Phod


  1. no one ever can fuget you da phod... that's simply not possible...

  2. No worries, no one could forget about a bestest boy!

  3. do not fret, you are absolutely NOT forgettable. we love you and so do they, prayers for NORMAL to return to you lives soon

  4. Hari OM
    Of course you are not forgotten, Phoddy, dear. Remember, too, that you had your share of attention with that ear of your! It goes around, this Love and Care business. Meanwhile, good job on the guard duty! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Phod there is no way AT ALL we could ever forget your quiet presence as you took on the work of two. You did well!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. You are the bestest boy, Phod, and we know that Hailey thinks so too.

  7. We could never forget you Phoddy! We hope things get all the way back to normal soon!
    Sunny & Rosy

  8. Good boy, Phod. You are taking good care of Hailey and also watching out for Callie. Hope this weekend is a good one for all.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. It's good to see you, Phod! You're the best doggie in taking care of your family and friends and territory too! Hope Hailey is doing OK.

  10. We would never forget about you, Phod. Sending you lots of big hugs and lots of POTP too your sis. ♥♥♥

  11. That is supposed to be "to your sis". Leaned too hard on the keys... :)

  12. We're glad to hear you're doing well too, Phod. It's so nice of you to let Hailey take all the attention for a while.

  13. Thinking of everyone at your house, and hope that all is well - And know that lots of love and the best of vibes are coming to you from our corner of the world. ❤❤


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