Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Terrible Ear - by Phod

Dear pals,

As you may recall I had issues with a hematoma in my left ear. I had it drained and it came back and was like the size of a golf ball. So yesterday, my Man took me to the vet. It was a new vet because our vet moved really far away. My new vet is only like a 20 minute drive instead of an hour (or now it would be an hour and a half). 

The bandage so I didn't bleed in the car. 

I can't say I like her. The Man said he thought she was very nice. The people also pointed out, we can get the same care for less money as our new vet is in the province we live in and vet care is less expensive.

At any rate, the not so nice vet Lady said my hematoma came back because it didn't fully drain before it healed so to make sure that didn't happen again, she put in a canal. I have to have the stupid canal for 3 weeks. Because of that I have to wear the cone for 3 weeks so I don't pull the canal out. 

Shame . . . . 

The cone is terrible. It is so terrible that when Callie came over to she was terrified and high tailed it back to her yard and barked at me from behind the bush. I think the worst part may be that I can't swim for at least 3 weeks.  Lady says I will get short highly supervised breaks because I am bleeding a lot on the cone and it will need to be cleaned several times a day at least to start. 

Trying to eat with the cone

Did I mention I also have a yeast infection in my ears and got meds for that. Also, Lady and Man have noticed an increase in stiffness and anxiety so they gotten me a big pill to take every night that should help.  

Life sucks right now, so if you have more POTP, please send it.

The saddest boy ever, Phod - who hates his cone


  1. our breed it prone to that too... and we send hugs and lots of potp. we hope that the ears this time will heal up completely... it is iso devastating when you have to start again and again till it is finally solved... all the good luck to you.

  2. Oh Phod, we are truly sorry to read about all these trials and tribulations with your ear. It must be horrid to have to wear the cone for so long, and to have your friend Callie hiding and barking at you.
    Send a ton of POTP and hoping soon to learn you are on the mend.
    Nobby (and Gail).

  3. Hari Om
    This is truly awful news, Zaphod dear. Downright dognammitness. You have my full simpawthee and loads of POTP. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We hurt for you, Phod, and we send you lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes!

  5. Dear Saddest Boy Ever (who is still very Handsome), I am very sorry to hear about your CONE!!! This is terrible! Horrible! No good! Very bad! And very sad. I am sorry to hear that you cannot go to Lake! I am sorry to see it is hard eat! We are sending you very much love.

  6. Baby Girl had that, they split it and drained it and stitched it up. we tooke the cone off to let her eat then put it back on. we also took the cone off if we were watching TV and could supervise her. I feel so bad for you, it is a pain just to have the cone and i wish I could be there to hug you. lots of POTP coming NOW.. she got hers from flapping her ears and hitting things with it. hope the pills help sweet boy

  7. Oh Phoddy, we are sending tons and tons of POTP and hope the ear gets better quicker than anticipated!!!
    Rosy and Sunny

  8. Oh My Goodness.... Sending lots of POTP to you and a big hug for your Mom. This will be hard on her too. ♥♥♥

  9. I am sorry buddy but I hope when tis is over you feel better

  10. We have our paws crossed that your ear heals properly this time, and you feel better soon. Wearing a cone is no fun especially when your friend doesn't recognize you.

  11. Your poor ear. We sure do hope the healing happens quickly for you so that you can get back to all things normal. Hugs from all of us.

  12. Phod, we saw on the CatBlogosphere that you were having trouble, so we came over to send you Power of the Paw and some purrayers too ! We hope you can get to feeling better soon !

  13. Oh my goodness, Phod! Our first three doggies had lots of ear infections, but nothing like what you've got! Hope it heals up well so you can go back to your usual fun things.

  14. Be better soon dear Phod ... you need to get back to your lake, get rid of the dreadful cone ... and hear well!

  15. mr. phod, we r so sorry yoo cannot go swimmy rite meow, we hope yoo feel beeter soon

  16. Phod, we apologize for not commenting sooner. We are so sorry to read about your troubles with your ear. The cone is no fun, but we hope it helps to get your ear healed. We also hope you are not in much pain.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  17. Sorry you are having such a tough time. I hope you feel better soon. XO

  18. Oh Phod! We feel for you! What horrible things have happened to your ears! I guess the upside is the new vet...Poor Cinnamon was having (errr) digestive issues...Mom found a wonderful probiotic for dogs that has cleared it right up and she is feeling much better...we hope your ears clear up quickly! Purrs Marvelous and Cinnamon


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