Monday, September 10, 2018

Mischief Monday - Moths

As some of you may have seen Phenny and Nelly had a moth problem last week. A moth ate a big hole in a cardigan. It seems said moth has either taken a plane or come up through the hole we are digging toward each other and has eaten a hole in one of the Man's shirts. 

Hailey, who was hiding in the closet at the time of the storm when said moth snuck in, assures us, it was a moth. It could not have been her. She would never have taken the shirt out of the laundry and arranged it around her to make her feel safe. She says the moth came in and did this and then left the shirt on her bed.

This is a warning to all in Blogville, beware of moths! 

And a mouse update - so far we have caught 2. There seems to be a problem with either the mice or our humane trap as the poor little things are getting injured. Man is working to fix this problem. 


  1. that is the same moth... I gnawed a motho-o-gram in your shirt too... same like the one in the cardigan...

  2. I am thinking of starting a very scientific research project on the sub-species of moth that appears to have adapted to international travel....
    Toodle pip!

  3. OMD, a giant evil moth DESTROYED Momma's fancy Memory Foam pillow this weekend! It made her cry. I promised her I'd take care of it, and I've been rooting around the pillows a lot to try to find it. That just makes her mad. Sheesh, Momma.

  4. Oh, no! That must have been quite the moth! Have you ever seen the movie Mothra!?
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  5. That was one hungry moth! We hope you catch it soon before it destroys any more shirts.

  6. We get pantry moths sometimes, but not those moths that eat holes in clothing. Oh, and we caught two mouses in our garage, and I'm pretty sure they're all gone now.

  7. Whoa - that is one big hole in you dads shirt, Hailey! Darn moth!

  8. We are thinking that maybe the moth was as afraid of the storms as Hailey. Maybe Hailey can share some advice with that moth so this doesn't happen again:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Yep, looks like that same MUTANT species of moth at attacked the jumper at Phenny's house. AND we think the mice may be 'taking a dive' and pretending to be injured so you'll get rid of the trap. Mice are sneaky.

  10. Dear friends,

    Of course it was a moth.

    Also, Ojo is volunteering her mouse trap, ie her mouth. She says it is very humane, a quick crunch and the mouse has moved on to its next life.


  11. THE NERVES!!! I hopes you deaded that moth Hailey! I can't believes that they could for a second, thinks that it was you. shame.
    Ma doesn't want to thinks abouts the mouses. We gots roof rats outside, and so far they have escaped my jaws. sigh.
    Ruby ♥

  12. Moths can be deadly when it comes to cuddly, cozy shirts.....

    Love and licks,

  13. OMD the moth strikes again!
    He was here and ate the fabric off my
    dad recliner. Yes he did and you should have
    seen my dads face when he found out.
    I have no advice on how to stop them fabric moths.
    Please keep a watchful eye out and let everyfurbody
    know. I think I saw a tree rat running next door.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  14. It are probably the Moth Mama got a picture of on her blog.. I has a feeling him are like Santa and goes down the chimney and eats holes in stuffs he shouldn't....Yep definitely believe that ;) BOL

    Matt & Matilda


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