Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dona Nobis Pacem

Today I join the digital world in blogging for peace. We live in violent and uncertain times. I am sure like a lot of you, I feel exhausted when I read another headline of another hate crime.

The solutions to what ails our planet will be complex and challenging. Behaviour change is not easy. We need to find a way to put aside our differences just long enough to put down the weapons and try and work together on solving our problems. We need to look for the things that unit us instead of focusing on our differences.

May peace come in this generation.


  1. Nothing would make us all happier than to KNOW and be able to TRUST in peace....the future is in our hands - I hope we can make it a PEACEFUL one!

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  2. Very lovely and we join you and all our cyber friends in this wish
    Hugs Madi and mom

  3. Amen to that. Let peace begin with us, let this be the moment now.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Your words resonate!
    We too wish for Peace!

  5. A beautiful thought and definitely a worthy sentiment to get behind. Peace for all. 😍

  6. I pray that the world strives for peace each time that I look in my granddaughter's eyes.

  7. We purr for and forever...


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