Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Winter Is Coming - by Hailey

As you all know I have an anxiety disorder. Lady tells people I am a little crazy, but I am not crazy. She is crazy for not realizing that fireworks, wind and thunder are likely going to kill us all!      
Because I have a history of being very destructive (I have only put one hole in a wall, I don't see what the big deal is) and of barking all night, from April-October I have to take Prozac. (To be clear, I get my meds from the human pharmacy, it is the generic form of Prozac, the same drug humans get).

A coworker recently asked Lady why I wasn't just on an as needed med. Lady explained they had discussed this but since there are fireworks usually 5 nights a week, and you can never be 100% sure if/when a thunderstorm is coming and to be home the 2 hours before to give the meds, daily meds are best for me.

My Prozac does help. We had a record number of thunderstorms this year and I only did a little damage one day and only needed peeps to be up with me 3 nights. They were impressed.

Now is the time of year that I go off the meds.  You can't just stop them, you have to ween me off them. Lady has a schedule mapped out on the calendar. This is the only few weeks my peeps see any side effects or changes in my behaviour. I am starving all the time (which is funny cause a side effect of the meds is suppose to be hunger, but for me, they make me slow down my eating). I am also a little more excited about things, like to see my people. But as you may have seen on Friday's post, I still get to be off leash.

While I won't miss having a pill shoved down my throat every day, I will miss the cookie I get after it. I will be pill free as of next week for a few months. 


  1. I hope efurrything works like planned... and to make it easier for you your lady can keep the cookie ritual... so you haven't to start completely new when your med-time starts again...

  2. Dear Lee, you are one lucky pup to have such wonderful peeps looking after you butt it does seem a shame that just as you are STARVING the peeps stop your extra cookie????
    Sometimes peeps are hard to understand
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Hari Om
    I also think the cookie ritual oughtta continue... if nothing else there may a 'trigger' for being calm in that!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. We also agree that you should still get that cookie every day. That way when it comes time to take your pills again it won't seem like such a big deal and you continue to get an extra cookie. BTW does Phod get a cookie when you get your pill?

  5. Glad you're off that med for a while. Hopefully things will stay calm and peaceful where you are. And yes, you should still get the cookie!

  6. A cookie a day keeps the pup a happy puppy,I think you need to keep having the cookie,xx Speedy

  7. We're glad you found something that works for you. I think you should still get your cookie, though!

  8. Hailey...I'm so happy you don't have the nightly pill throw down. I'm still having it and will 4ever. 1/2 pepcid 1/2 cerenia. but mom slathers brummel and brown margarine all over them and they sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide right down.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. We are hoping the transition is easy peasy for you Hailey...we still think you should get a cookie every night tho!
    Jakey, Rosy and Arty

  10. Hailey, hope it all goes well for you and I agree, there's no need to ditch the cookie too.
    Toodle pip!

  11. Ah sorry scary noises make you nervous.
    But at least winter brings some quite time.
    Cookie are good anytime too.
    Ma calls me a battering ram when I run.
    xo Astro

  12. Aww, sweet girl. Have you guys tried CBD oil for the anxiety. It has made a world of difference when we have loud thunder or fireworks. Enjoy the peace and quiet.

  13. That is very good news, Hailey. No one likes to have to take pills, but if they do the trick during those other months, then cookies and pills it must be!!! Now we pawsonally believe that it would be good practice to continue the cookie reward year round:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. We're happy you've found something to help with your anxiety AND that you don't have to be on it ALL of the time. Keep up those 'free' walks.

  15. At least you are a whole lot better with your meds Hailey! And now you can have a bit of time off from them just in time for snuggles in blankies and COLD nights by the fireplace. An occasional cookie would be nice though!

    Hugs, Teddy

  16. I'm with you, Hailey - thunder storms and fireworks are the WORST! I hope everything works out well as you get weened off of your meds.

  17. Hailey, we're sorry you get so anxious about storms. But we're glad you found something that helps you. Zoey takes a little bit of prozac every day too to help calm her.

  18. I didn't realize that you were *that* anxious about loud noises. I'm so sorry but I'm really glad that prozac helps. Our R has obsessive-compulsive disorder. We've considered prozac for him but we've managed to avoid it so far.

  19. Your mom and dad are doing the very best for you Hailey, it is nice that you get a break in the winter
    Hazel & Mabel

  20. Wows, Winter is when we gets our noisy storms! I sure am glads you found something to help you! I have to take something when I go to the vettie, cause I go nutty. So I gets where you're comin' from. I hopes you have a mellow Winter with lots of snow diggin'!
    Ruby ♥

  21. It's good that you have those medications when you need them, Hailey, but also good that you get a break from them sometimes (and from storms and fireworks!!).

  22. Wow...sounds like quite the stressful time for you! I'm sorry to hear about all the noise you have to endure!! I'm glad that at least there are meds you can take to make you more comfortable! Kudos to your mom and dad for taking the best care of you!

  23. Sydney is also on Prozac but hers is because anxiety causes aggressive behavior. It's working well for her but it does cause her to lose her appetite. I have to coax her to eat with tasty toppers.


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