Thursday, August 18, 2016

This and That Thursday

Project Hailey: Minus the incident I reported on Monday, Lee's prozac does seem to be helping. She is still nervous with the wind, fireworks, thunder but she is able to just go and hide. She is not pacing and barking and keeping the whole house awake.

We will continue her on 10 mg until about October and we will look at putting her back on it in May of next year.

Several people asked if we had tried a thunder shirt, and yes we have. Hailey has a lovely pink one we call her hug. When her anxiety was not as intense (it has been made worse by some terrible storms that took out trees at our place and the almost nightly fireworks) it did seem to help. Now it is not as helpful and she finds it very hot (and we don't have a/c).

Phod and glucosamine: We had tried that last summer (he tends to look the most stiff in the summer as he gets more exercise). It appeared to upset his stomach, so it will likely not be something he can take. We never tried it in the form of treats. I will look for some the next time I am at the pet store.

I love that you can see his muscles in this picture! 

The walking situation: Thank you all for all your kind words on my post Monday. Your kind words have helped mend my heart. I am slowly recovering for this. I changed my plan as I felt too bad about leaving Phod without a walk.  Our mornings now go like this. Up at 5, dressed, out for both dogs in the yard for a quick pee. Phod goes inside. He barks once when we leave him. Hailey and I walk for approximately 30 minutes. Then I put her in the house, and I take Phod for the same 30 minute walk. He likes to follow her scent and pee where she peed. Hailey whines while we are out, but will settle. I am walking 60 minutes by about 6 am. I admit I am tired, but know I will get use to this.  We haven't been doing our evening walk at all. It is my hope to get the Man to help us with this several times a week so they are use to being together.


  1. I hope so, if you can do some walks all together then it works pawsome. I had to walk the huskies always one after another too and the wild howling of the one who had to wait stopped after a while. I always walked Frosty the male first, vice versa he only had the nose on the ground to follow the track of the female Chipie while having me in tow like a sled :o)

  2. Hari OM
    ... a side benefit is a fitter you! Man definitely oughtta be sharing this one... jus' sayin'... YAM xx

  3. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have difficulty walking one dog, let alone two, but you could not have expected that to happen.

    I can't walk Abby any more. I only have a tiny bit of meniscus left, and she will occasionally and suddenly pull very hard if she sees another dog approaching, which is further tearing what little I have left which leaves me hardly able to walk for days. My husband walks her before and after work, and I have a retired mail carrier that walks her on days I am in the office. We are almost done re-positioning the back steps so they point back into the yard, instead of out into the drive and when that is done, the yard will be fenced so I can let her out to run and play straight from the kitchen (which is elevated as we have a walk out basement). Your plan sounds like a lot of work, but I know it will be less stressful for you overall. Hugs.

  4. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I have difficulty walking one dog, let alone two, but you could not have expected that to happen.

    I can't walk Abby any more. I only have a tiny bit of meniscus left, and she will occasionally and suddenly pull very hard if she sees another dog approaching, which is further tearing what little I have left which leaves me hardly able to walk for days. My husband walks her before and after work, and I have a retired mail carrier that walks her on days I am in the office. We are almost done re-positioning the back steps so they point back into the yard, instead of out into the drive and when that is done, the yard will be fenced so I can let her out to run and play straight from the kitchen (which is elevated as we have a walk out basement). Your plan sounds like a lot of work, but I know it will be less stressful for you overall. Hugs.

  5. Love that picture of Phod in the water!

  6. Did you try a small room with a TV blasting?
    Lily & Edward

  7. Phod looks like a red shark with ears! I was hoping a thunder shirt might help, but should have known you already tried it. I sure get it being too hot with no a/c.
    Dasuquin that I order from Amazon for both Lexi (17 pounds) and Riley (70 lb) for their hips, is loved by both dogs as treats. Riley's is about $40 for 60. Glad you have worked out a walking schedule, and sure do hope the man "mans up" to help. :) Amy, Lexi's faithful servant

  8. That is devotion K-ten!! Bless your heart and OMCs it is good for you too. I'm sure walking them is great cardio. I love that photo of Phod!
    Hugs madi and mom

  9. Glad you found a workable solution to the walking issue . Once upon a time Mom could walk 3 and 4 of us at one time, but no more. Before we lost Phantom, she would take us for a long walk first and then take Phantom for a shorter one. Takes a bit more time, but in the end it is worth it.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  10. My dad says that he can sympathize. My reactive brother gets his own walk on weekends and a walk with me (Sam) when our duo weekday dog walkers take us both out at the same time. They are super careful to avoid any other dog contact whatsoever. But there's crying in the house when Owen is put back indoors and the other kids go out for their walks. We used to get up at 5:30 AM but gained a whole hour more of sleep time when we moved back into the city. Maybe the man can help out.

  11. With Arty being leash reactive I also take him for his own walk, mostly for training and one on one time. Then, I take Dory when I get home. Our Man takes Jakey at night when he gets home from work.

    Sounds like you have a great plan!

  12. You are a very dedicated dog mom! Luckily for me pugs can be easily exercised playing in our yard
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

  13. It sounds like you have a great walking plan!

  14. it is a great walking plan for all of you :)

  15. We're glad the prozac seems to be helping Hailey. We're sorry you had such a rough time the other day with your walk. That must have been scary! We're glad to hear you have a better plan in mind.

  16. We've been kind of behind on things this week. Hope your walks go well and the doggies feel better: Phod with his walking and Lee with her frights. I'd be scared too if there were fireworks all the time!

  17. That's a lot of walking by 6am. You will be the healthiest mom in the world on this exercise plan.

    Love and licks,

  18. We would try Prozac for Pocket but everything upsets her tummy. Maybe Phod could try some Happy Hips treats. Glad you have calmed down and working on how to get both pups a walk

  19. Sounds like a pawsome plan! And Ma has been thinkin' of you, and has thought abouts how it would feel to have two of me..yikes! is all she can come up with ☺
    Sounds like you have a good plan, AND just thinks of all the STEPS you;ll gets on your fitbit! (oh, maybe that's just Ma's obsession...BOL)
    Sendin' extra {{hugs}}
    Ruby ♥

  20. The Halo loved the Happy Hips treats. Maybe Phod will like them as well?!

  21. You are a dedicated mom to give them both long walks in the morning. We're sure you all will get used to the new routine.

  22. That's good exercise for you, and I imagine you will get used to it. I used to do 3 20 minute walks/day - one with each dog - but then I got lazy. :(
    When I take one dog for a walk, the two that are left behind are usually barking and howling for a few minutes!

  23. Hopefully by winter Lee will be calmer too without the stupid thunder and fireworks. Mazie can't take glucosamine either. I have prescription pain pills that she takes and after suffering a disc injury in July (not sure how, stairs possibly), she has had acupuncture which has been amazing if a bit spendy.


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