Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thankful Thursday - Giving Back

I am excited to share that I am now the driver manager for the Ottawa Paw Pantry.

The Ottawa Paw Pantry (which I have spoken about before) has several community pantries throughout the city as well as offering in home delivery up to 4 times per year for those who can't access a community pantry. In my role, I am given a list of deliveries for the week, and I then coordinate volunteer drivers to complete the deliveries. I also get to coordinate pick up of donations from community drop off locations.  

While I struggle to find the right combination of food that makes my dogs want to eat, I do not struggle to feed them. I can't even imagine what is is like to be worried about not being able to fed them.

This weeks trick is to only eat each other's food . . . so both dishes need to be the same!

I am new to this role, (we are on week 3) but so far am really enjoying it. I feel my few hours a week on my computer, is making a meaningful difference for people. It is nice to be part of the pet community in another way. 

I am sure I will find other ways to work within the organization as well. I am a sucker for the underdog, literally and figuratively!

This is one way I am finding to give back and use my place of privilege (because it is so great), for good. 

And I would be remiss to not just say - American friends, I love you.  I am not loving the regime in your country and I have some serious concerns about the state of the world in general, but my feelings don't trickle down to the people who aren't making the decisions. May we find a way to get along. That is all I am going to say about this. 

The Lady


  1. all the good luck and a super time in this organization... we hope for the same... a way to go along... and a way to end trouble and sorrows

  2. We are living in fear for the first time ever, and we love you and all our friends no matter what the govt does. no worries.. except for us in the USA... this sounds wonderful, my son and his wife get help for their dogs food. Keep doing Good, always be kind, do good deeds... that is for all of us

  3. Hari OM
    Dear Lady of Zaphod and Hailey
    On behalf of all the dogpals that you get to help in this way... THANK YOU X 87!

    Yeah, unfortunately it is hard to feel warm towards America right now - but we must not lose our friends in the mists of the madness. YAM xx

  4. What a great way to volunteer for a worthy cause. We don't like what's going on here either and wish there was more we could do to stop it.

  5. What a wonderful thing you are doing for so many pups in need, Lady♥ Mom is not too happy about the events happening here in the USA either but there isn't much we can do about it, sadly.

  6. What an amazing organization to be able to help feed precious pets and ease the worry of their owners.
    Hugs and high 5's

  7. Such a wonderful way to give back to the community!

  8. Feeding two big dogs in this economy can be a struggle.


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