Monday, February 3, 2025

Mischief Monday - Abandoned!

 Dear pals,

Our Lady, who told us she was not going to be traveling as we are in our last chapters and she wanted to maximize time with us, abandoned us for 87 million hours.  We had to stay home for 2 whole days and one night with the Man.  Lady lied.

Lady tried to tell us that this was a little different because she was away to be the duty driver for the Big Guy, who needed a ride for a minor medical procedure. (Editor's note - all went well, he is doing fine). She said that it made more sense to just go there overnight after a day in the office, as it saved her driving. We think she lied and are mad at her. Saying she went to Grammie and the Big Guy's without us, doesn't help her case. 

In spite of this, we were very happy to see her when she came back.

your pals, who think people should be at home all the time, Lee and Phod


  1. how good that she is back... maybe to keep her on a leash can help?

  2. Hari OM
    I suspect Lady is working on the "absence = fonder hearts" principle here... as well as being useful to the grandpawrents. But I get it. Promises, promises... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Phod and Lee I hope at least Lady returned with lots of extra loving from the Big Guy and Grammie for you both and for sure she came home with some lovely smells.
    So Happy BG's procedure went well
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Beau says he has never been left in 4 years more than 2 hours at one time. glad she came back safe and the big guy is ok

  5. We can't believe Lady would do such a thing to you. At least Man was home to tend to your needs.

  6. We think just like you two, but your Lady was very good to help out where she was needed. And at least you did have the Man.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  7. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! You look very happy in your Snow! Are you staying warm enough? I am glad your Lady came back! They always say they're coming back, but how can we be sure?!?

  8. Lee and Phod, I agree. The humans should be at home all the time at our beck and call. ~Murphy

  9. Reunions are terrific, if only someone didn't have to leave to have one.


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