Friday, November 27, 2020

FFF Nature Friday - A Mystery

Today is the last Friday of the month so we  Aunty-Yam for Final Fiction Friday and we join Rosy for Nature Friday. 

The camera didn't see
Who was digging up the bin
The jay won't tell us

The mystery of the bin digger will remain until the spring, as a few days after these were taken, the snow came and I think it is here to stay. In our municipality there is a bylaw that requires composting.  There are fines for not using your bin. We are primarily a rural municipality, there are no high rises, but there are rentals, mainly houses or duplexes, so this is possible. The green bags you see in the picture are compatible bags that we use to line the bin that sits on our counter. We have set the composter bin up in a spot that is easily accessible to us all year and  it is ok if there is a bit of a mess around it.  I was happy to see birds eating our food remains as well. Fun compost fact, the Granny Smith apple is a hybrid that was discovered in a compost heap!

Did you spot the jay in every picture (there are 2 in the second picture).



  1. maybe the jay will tel you that secret when you bring him some berd seeds out and a worm?

  2. Hari OM
    winter draws on apace... I hope the mystery is eventually solved! YAM xx

  3. I see the J! And I've never heard of having a compost bin and I think it's an excellent idea and we need to do that here. And now I'm wondering why we don't

  4. I don't see the jays. I need new glasses.

  5. We went back and looked for the Jay's in all the pictures and found them. We hope whatever was digging in your bin has gone underground for the winter.

  6. Wow. Those temperatures are low already!

  7. We see the jays but no mystery digger.

  8. BOL BOL It is a trash bin kinda day today. I had a bin story too.
    I did see the gorgeous blue of the blue jay
    Hugs cecilia

  9. What a mystery...we wonder if the Jay is doing recon for the Compost Disturber!

  10. Always nice to provide wildlife with a snack or three on occasion. Good for you for composting! Yes, I too noticed that Blue Jay. We don't have them here in the city and they are so striking if not annoying with their noisy chatter.

  11. I love that bylaw that requires composting. We don't do it, but we probably should, however we do recycle so that's something. And I would ask the Blue Jay about who is your mystery digger, they have such big noisy mouths, and I doubt they can keep a secret! :-)

  12. We would love to compost except that bears might break into it. That would be quite a whodunnit!

  13. Hmmmmm....mystery indeed! we have lots of 'bandits' around here...we are lucky they don't really gets in peeps trash much...don't knows why, nows that I thinks about it...
    Ruby ♥

  14. We didn't know that about Granny Smith apples and they are Mom's favorite apple. Dad built a compost thing for us in the back, he used the compost in our garden.

  15. Dat are very interesting about da Granny Smiths!! Hopefully all will be revealed in da spring. In da mean time I am sure da birds will keep watch :)

    Matt & Matilda


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