Friday, January 24, 2020

Nature Friday - The Colour of a Morning Sky

These pictures were taken on Sunday morning around 7:30 am. The official sunrise time for the day was 7:37. Late in the day on Saturday, we received about 20 cm (8 inches) of snow without huge wind gusts, leaving the trees covered in snow.

I love the colour of the sky. I continue to try and find beauty in the winter. 

Thanks to Rosy and the Boyz for hosting Nature Friday.


  1. Hari OM
    ...and today you managed that! YAM xx

  2. we agree... beauty in winter is hard to find... but this colors are sure beautiful...

  3. Agreed here too. Well done! There is beauty in winter for sure.

  4. Your Winter photos are so lovely.

  5. There sure is beauty in the snow. It might not always be fun to be out in it if it's too cold but we think snow is better than mud.

  6. it really is beautiful, sunrise is my favorite time of the day,

  7. Lee and Phod I think they are absolutely gorgeous photos!! I admire your efforts toward finding beauty in the Frozen season especially in Canada!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We love the Blue Hour before sunrise. It sur makes everything beautiful. Your pictures are so pretty of the trees and sky.
    XO Astro and Mitzie

  9. Beautiful.... We've just been getting dust--not beautiful....sigh.

  10. That is SNOW beautiful!!!
    Ha roo roo roo!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. You were out very early in that cold weather. It was worth it to get those photos.

  12. I know it's easy for me to love your snow pictures when I'm not the one that has all the cold and wet from it. But having lived in Alaska for 10 years, I know how you're feeling. I struggled to love it too, even with no dogs.

  13. It is such a beautiful blue...kind of like the blue of the Caribbean Ocean.

  14. OMD, that is an amazin' color of blue! Can I come overs and play in the snow??
    Ruby ♥


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