Sunday, July 17, 2016

Peace In An Un-peaceful World - By The Lady

I don't know about all of you, but I am tired of all the bad news in the world. Even though I have dramatically decreased my news consumption all the horrors that live out there still creep their way in. And they should. If I am going to be a world citizen, I need to know the good, the bad and the ugly. However, instead of getting consumed by the bad news,  (much of which I can't do a darn thing about) I am working hard to enjoy the peaceful moments in my life. Here is one from a walk last week. The video was taken around 5:30 am. This pond is about 1 km (.6 miles) from our house and we walk by it every other day. It is one of my favourite sounds of summer (besides the birds).


  1. Hari OM
    With you on the saturation point of 'news', which is mostly just the same stuff rehashed to the point of losing all sense of sympathy...OR becoming total mush. I listen/read/watch but once a day so that am up to speed on matters. Nature is a sure salve! YAM xx

  2. We feel exactly the same! Nature sounds are very them!

  3. Lately it has been difficult here in UK to ignore the news, as the country's leadership and relationships with the rest of the work are all in flux, and one's confidence that the right decisions will be made diminishes by the day. And then Nice and Turkey. And still in the background the Syrian catastrophe. And across the Pond, the possibility of President Trump…
    You are right about the need to strike a balance between staying informed about the world's problems, and appreciating the peace and beauty that exists around us.
    All the best,

  4. that are the moments what bring hope and power back... and we should enjoy this moments... thanks for sharing one with me :o)

  5. Beautiful video! At least we still are a peaceful place here in Blogville.

  6. Our mom used to watch the news quite a bit but lately she has been watching less of it. It's going to be real bad this week because of the Republican convention. Thanks for sharing your peaceful video.

  7. Those are bull frogs!!!! Ghostwriter says she hasn't heard them in years! She used to go to Cook Forest on the Clarion river every year with her family when she was a kid and hear the bullfrogs in the weeds!

  8. A beautiful sound - very refreshing!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. How pretty! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  10. those is a wonderful place to just relax and listen to nature

  11. Nature is so healing! I'd much rather listen to the sounds of the wild than the wild sounds of our world of late.

  12. How very peaceful and beautiful!

  13. Well said. This is what we're doing too - being grateful for the peace we happen to have right here where we are - right now....because there are no guarantees these days that anyone is truly SAFE. We pray for peace every morning and always will. Meanwhile, our bench in the woods, the stars in the sky, the smell of fresh flowers, the bees buzzing - it all reminds us of the GOOD there is all around us.....and to enjoy it while we can.

    Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

  14. We are right there with you. It is almost impossible to turn on the news and hear something uplifting. Today is a perfect example of THAT!!! Thank goodness for our hour in church today where we received a most uplifting message from our pastor.

  15. That is exquisite and you are blessed to have that there. We are tired of the bad news too.....but as you said, it is important to know what is going on in the world. You are also right that we all need to take breaks from it as well. DakotasDen

  16. That is a beautiful place to walk near.

  17. I am tired of the bad news, too. It's hard to get away from it, but I agree spending time in nature truly helps.

  18. We can all use a good dose of extra peace.

  19. That was peaceful. Thanks for sharing it with us. We sure can use some peace these days.

  20. The world is definitely becoming a scarier place! I can totally relate to feeling unpeaceful about it! It's nice that you have a beautiful pond nearby! Nature walks always help me feel a little better! <3 ((Hugs))

  21. I totally agree with you, and think you've given a perfect reminder of how reenergizing nature can be, and what a good escape it can be too. Thanks for that!

  22. We totally agree!! That video was so peaceful!!


  23. We try to do the same thing but it is hard in this world. Most of the peace we find in the world is in our pets' eyes

  24. Now that is MUCH better than watching the news. I don't watch any news except for headline updates at the bottom of my internet browser. My husband is usually my "news anchor". I know it's getting bad because he has decided to go "news dark" because of the horrible state of the world...and the way the media reports it.

    More walks, less media watching is such a great idea!

  25. I feel the same! Lately it seems like nature is the only remedy to the crazy world we live in.


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