Friday, September 29, 2023

FFF Nature Friday - Welcome Autumn

 Thank you to Aunty- Yam for hosting FFF and to Rosy and Sunny for hosting Nature Friday. 

We are living in the in between.

In between the long warm days of summer, and the cold dark days of winter.

In between lush green trees and bare forests. 

In between sitting in the sun and sitting by the fire.

In between easy drives for fun and slow snowy ones you dread.

Autumn is a transition, a time to prepare.

We winterize our yards and homes and cars. 

We use this in between to get ready for the hardest season. 

The beauty of this season can get lost in the preparation and dread of what is next.

We will find a way to make the in between the place to be. 

We will celebrate the season of stunning leaves, pumpkins and ghosts.

We will pause and marvel at nature. 

We will stop and make the in between the place to be. 

A before taken Saturday September 23, 2023 - We will watch it turn!

Taken September 23, 2023 - the first day of autumn so we can watch it turn

From the tree across from the end of the lane. A favourite spot for the deer.

Because they are just exploding - look 4 flowers out of this head! 


  1. This is such a lovely piece of writing!
    The inbetween is indeed the place to be.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my word - today's offerings for the FFF/NF share day have been a.m.a.z.i.n.g. This piece is simply beautiful. Thank you Lady (and the pups for letting you bring it to us!) YAM xx

  3. What a wonderful post and Autumn is just beautiful at your house!

  4. I love the last line.
    Smooches to Phod and Lee

  5. Sometimes we like the in between...What a great poem and BEAUTIFUL sunflowers!!
    Rosy and Sunny

  6. autumn is my parents' favorite seasons. You wrote beautifully about it.


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