Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Trouble On Tuesday - Supervising and Sharing - by Phod

 It is one thing to have to supervise D when he is over. Friday he did some weeding for Lady in exchange for her putting a game on her phone.

This is acceptable.

It is very much another to have to share the couch while he snuggles up with Lady.


  1. Beau says "not fair" on the snuggles thing

  2. But Phod, you get to snuggle up with D!

  3. Hari OM
    Now then, Zaphod... surely you are above taking the huff??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. OH PHOD you must really love D a lot to let him snuggle with YOUR LADY
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Our mom and dad need to find a little person like that to help them with yard work too! You are doing a great job of supervising his work, Phod.

  6. This is totally unacceptable, Phod!

  7. OMD, taking your spot on da couch!


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