Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Travel Tuesday - 49 hours in Thunder Bay

 Today is our last instalment of 49 hours in Thunder Bay. After a wonderful wedding, we still had until 2:30 the following afternoon to explore Thunder Bay.

After breakfast we went for a walk by the harbour area of the city. 85% of the cargo that leaves Thunder Bay by ship and train is grain. It is a beautiful place to walk, even on a cloudy day.

Late summer bloom

Ying and Yang

The old train station

Faces on a building

After a stroll we headed out to Kakabeka Falls. This is the second largest waterfall in Ontario (only smaller than Niagara) and we both thought, even late in the season, one of the prettiest falls we have ever seen. 

At the falls we did a hike, know as the portage hike. It follows the trail that the Voyageurs would have used to portage around the falls on their way to the Rendez-Vous at Fort William. 

Our lost stop was a visit up to McKay Mountain. We didn't have time to hike up the mountain, but we did enjoy the slightly foggy view from near the top. 

The top of McKay Mountain

Then it was time to return our car, go through security and wait for our delayed flights. 

We really enjoyed our brief visit to Thunder Bay and hope you did too!