Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Traitor Tuesday

As mentioned yesterday, our peeps abandoned us for 87 million days. If that is not terrible enough, we went through their phones and found the following . . . . . . . .

We have no words to describe how angry we are at them for this clear betrayal. They have a LOT of sucking up to do to make this up to us.


  1. wow they cheated a lot huh? but it probably belongs to people who love animals to say hello when they meet them ;O)

  2. The dog pictures were bad enough, but all those CATS.
    Major betrayal indeed...

  3. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is when so-called "Dog-People" parents (1) abandon their children for a silly and trivial pleasure trip, and (2) take pictures of CATS while on trip, and n also (3) (GASP) pictures of alien dogs

  4. So many betrayals. Yup - lots of sucking up better be happening at your house!

  5. Now guys, stop a second and think about it. Look at those poor kitties. It looks like they're living on the street and don't have anyone to take care of them. I think it was very kind of your pawrents to give them some love and attention. All animals deserve love!

  6. Hari Om
    WHAT??? Pawsitiffly pawmissQus of the peeps - you gotta plot a revenge... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    ...(who is already regretting inciting mischief. No. You gotta show 'em who's da bigger pawson... furgiffness, my darlings, furgiffness will have them feeling soooooo guilty...)

  7. Wow! What a lot of kitties and pups? I'm sure you can forgive your peeps for taking pictures or giving them snacks.

  8. Bwahaahaa! Sorry, we have to laugh. Only a true animal lover would travel around the world and come home with photos of animals!!! We say well done.

  9. I have two words:
    Demerits and Revenge!!
    Hugs HiC

  10. Well, they didn't have you two around...they had to get their dog and cat fix somehow. :)

  11. I think seeing those little cuties, made them miss and think of you even more - I'll bet they brought some fun treats to let you know just that. If not, chewing up a sock or two and maybe a shoe will help! :-)!!

  12. Wow! We can't believe your pawrents would cheat on you so much while you were in prison. That is just not right.

  13. O....M.....D!!!!!! The nerve!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  14. Love the cats and dogs of Greece. Even if it meant you guys were home and the 'pawrents' were taking up with them instead of you guys.


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