This week has been a bit of a gong show for the Lady. No one really did her job while she was traveling the world so she has a lot to catch up on. She has been reading as many blogs as she can, but not commenting as much as we think she should! She has been taking us on great walks and we are working on a new trick we will share another day.
This is how Lady feels about being back to work |
We thought we would address some of the comments/questions from our blog since our return.
We were so glad to hear that Dory and the Boyz got our gift after the headache of having to mail it!
The Trip
-Lady will share some more adventures likely after the holidays. We want to do some holiday posts!
-Bella, Roxy and Dui mentioned that when their peeps were in Norway, they only found North American food. Lady found reindeer when she was there:) She said it was awesome!
-KB mentioned the awesome coffee in Italy. Our peeps can't speak to that as neither of them drinks it!
Grey Sunday
We are sure Phod was extra excited to be on the beach and swimming. Our little lake freezes over very quickly so we stop taking him early in the season. We believe he has another ear infection - the last one was from his summer visit. We are waiting to talk to the vet.
Things that Go Snap
It is one of those situations where I wish I could read Lee's mind. She is such a lovely girl most of the time. We do know that Tendra and Hailey are both dominant, bossy females, so that may be part of the problem!
The Routine
-We would like it noted that the boy dogs could have slept in either bedroom, but made the decision to sleep in the living room. It is where Barley usually sleeps and for whatever reason Zaphod picked it as his spot too. It is funny that our one night after the trip there, that Barley, Hailey and Zaphod all wanted to sleep in the guest room with us!
Wordless Wednesday - Waiting Patiently
-Lady would like to say that is not her with Phod, that was Phod playing with his Grammie while she abandoned us.
Stop by tomorrow to read about Nin's adventures.
Lady is trying to keep her head in the clouds! |