Friday, January 3, 2025

Nature Friday - It Really is Winter - by Phod

 Dear pals,

The people I live with are not big fans of winter. Lady says the only good thing about it is that the days finally start getting longer. This was taken from the shortest day of the year. You can see the sunrise and set times give us about 8 hours and 21 minutes of day light. You can also see it was very cold this year (that is 1F).  We gain and lose about 9 hours of sunlight between the summer and winter solstices. 

Here are some winter nature pictures for you, because even Lady can't deny it can be beautiful. 

The sunrise on Christmas Eve

Me, who must have a little husky in him for how much he loves the snow, laying in the snow and soaking up the sun

Lee, probably thinking about barking at the neighbours but standing in front of Lady's favourite tree.

I hope you enjoyed a little bit of our winter.

Thanks Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event in memory of our friend Gail.

your pal, the snow dog, Phod

Thursday, January 2, 2025

How We Spent The Holidays - by Lee

Dear pals,

We had a quiet holidays up in the hills. It was just Lady and Man  and us for Christmas this year. 

We spent time playing in the 5 inches of fresh snow we got. 

Man worked in the morning of Christmas Eve, and he made the whole turkey dinner for us that night. Lady and Man ate turkey for days and days and days. 

Lady's tacky table for 2!

Christmas day was spent by the fire and upstairs playing games. Lady and Man said the quiet Christmas was wonderful. 

The people also made pasta with the pasta maker Lady got. 

Things got a little more exciting on Boxing Day, when we all drove to Grammie and the Big Guy's for the family get together.  We had a little adventure as about 10 km from their place, I may have pooped on the back seat and Lady and Man had to pull over and try and clean the car as best they could. We had to wash the cover at Grammie's for the ride home (where no one pooped). 

Uncle Chris and Emma, Aunt, C and family were also there.  We got lots of pets, some treats, and I napped some. 

On the drive home, Lady said it was a holiday miracle, that with the new seat extender she got us, we actually shared the back seat for at least some of the drive. 

That was our quiet but good Christmas. We hope, that however you celebrate, it was a nice day.

your pal Lee, who generally hogs the whole backseat.