As you may have noticed, we have been a bit neglectful in our visiting. You see,Lady has been insanely busy the past few weeks getting ready for an upcoming adventure. As she works for herself, doesn't get paid when she doesn't work and no one does her work when she doesn't work, she has been working way to much so she can guilt free take some adventure time. She was also a little behind before this month started because she went to visit the Big Guy (who is at home and getting a little better every day - we again thank you for all your POTP during this difficult time).
Before we leave, we wanted to send you all our warmest holiday wishes! We know 2016 has been a challenging year for many (us included - Lady said it was one of the worst years of her life and she is kind of old) and we hope in spite of the challenges, you can all find a little peace and love over the holidays. We send our warmest regards for a joy filled and health 2017!
Until 2017 - be safe, be happy and know you are in our hearts.
Hailey, Zaphod, The Lady and The Man