Today we have a lot going on.
First, we are
Blogging for Peace. Thanks to the
Nellie in the City for telling us about this. Today we blog for world peace and the peace and health of all our pals (furry and human). There are a lot of people who need good thoughts sent their way.
Power of the Paw (POTP)
We want to send special wishes to one special little girl. We are asking everyone to take a moment tomorrow (Wednesday) at 8:20 am to send good wishes to Macey. She is one of Stella Rose, Margaret Mae and Angus from
The Three Little Pugs little people. Macey has been having some serious health problems and Wednesday at 8:20 am they are doing some scans. The doctors have given some worrying news, so if you can all send your best wishes to Macey, the family would appreciate it.
Macey - borrowed from Stella Rose's blog - we hope this is ok |
I am thrilled to go be participating NaNoWoofMo round robin.
To follow the story so far visit:
Day 1: (If you want to participate go to this blog too!)
Day 2:
Now, chapter 3.
I carefully inspected the fence and quickly realized it was very high and my old bones were not going to make it over. The scent of bacon continued to make my empty stomach growl. (My master's son could have at least fed me before dumping me on the side of the road like a piece of trash). My growling stomach gave me more determination to find a way to that farm house.
I slowly walked down the length of the fence and was excited when I noticed a small hole under one spot of the fence. With a little digging I knew I could make it big enough to slide under. I dug slowly. My old paws could only go so fast. Finally, I had it big enough to slide under. As I was wiggling my body under, I felt a snag on my back. Darn, I had not dug it deep enough and had a small cut. Oh well, I was through and a step closer to bacon.
I trotted up to the farm house, ignoring the stinging pain in my back, sniffing as I went. I smelt a few other dogs, some cats, at least four humans and some other animals I was not familiar with. All the scents smelt friendly so I became more confident and picked up my pace.
Finally, I reached the porch. The smell of bacon was now overwhelming. My aching stomach growled even louder, making me forget about my injury. I realized I had begun to whine. I guess the humans inside the house heard too, because a porch light came on and the side door opened.
For the next chapter visit tomorrow.
Thanks to Rocco's House for organizing such a fun event!
Remember today is election day in Blogville. We wish all the candidates the best, we know whoever wins, Blogville will be in great hands. To vote go to Sarge's.