We step outside our dog life, to the human life to share this story with you today.
The scene: Lady is heading out the door to go and pick the Man up from the hospital (more about that below). She locks and closes the door between the house and garage to realize her keys are sitting on the shelf inside.
Plan A: The next door neighbours have a key, go get it.
Plan A fails: Neighbours aren't home.
Plan B: Put her snowshoes on (the snow is still waste deep in places), go around to the back of the house and "break in" (or pray the sneaky way, which we won't share here, is open)
Lee ad the Man a few weeks ago |
Plan B: Thank goodness it works.
Now plan A is to get a key to hid in the garage so this doesn't happen again.
Perhaps the real mischief is the Man. Not that it is his fault but . . . .Short story: Man became very, very ill (thing worse stomach bug ever) Friday and ended up in the emergency room. He was there for 5 hours, pumped full of gravol and morphine and sent home with a list of things to watch for. Saturday around 11 the Man tells the Lady one of those things has happened, so Lady gets us all organized and is back at the hospital by 12. 7.5 hours later (don't worry, Lady left for a bit and drove the 30 minutes back to take care of the dogs), it was determined the Man had a bowel infection and was sent home with a bunch of prescriptions and follow up testing.
What was confirmed this weekend: Although Lady is a master problem solver, when Lady said "in sickness and in health" 87 million years ago, she clearly didn't mean it. She completely lacks empathy when it impacts her life and has absolutely no patience for others being sick, and she is a horrible nurse. She wishes it wasn't that way, but alas. So please send some sympathy to the very sick Man for having to deal with her and some POTP that he gets better soon and maybe some patience for the Lady.
Bless those of you who take care of very sick people in your lives. You are true angels.
Please forgive us if we aren't around as much as usual this week. Lady is going to have to take over all the household chores, try and keep the Man alive and continue to work, so she won't have as much time free time.