
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Man and Weather Update

Thank you for all your wonderful comments yesterday Blogville, you rock! They were much appreciated as my day went like this:

Up at 5:30, walk the dogs, get ready, and the dogs and I are in the car by 6:40. Somewhere on the drive, Hailey gets out of her new harness and tries to get in the front seat with me. Finally arrive at day camp. To make my life a little less crazy, I made the decision to board the dogs for about 36 hours. It has kind of broken my heart to do it, but I know it is for the best. I arrive at work at 8:35. This is when Man calls to say his CT Scan is at 1, I need to come home. So I cancel with all my clients and drive the 62 km home. I had a little time to relax and pack our bag for the day (although I didn't pack enough food).

For this appointment : I had to drive him to hospital A (30 minutes away) to have the IV put in, to then drive another 25 minutes to hospital B to have the scan, then had to stop by Man's work and return the work pager as he shouldn't be the one on call this week, before driving back to hospital A to get the results. We waited 2.5 hours (after we were told the results were in) to be told he had colitis, unsure if viral or inflammatory bowel disease. At this point they order more blood work. 2.5 hours later, we are told the blood work is the same as Friday and Saturday, a colonoscopy has been ordered and should take place later this week, the IV is removed and we go home. We are now up to 20.5 hours of hospital time since Friday at 9:30 pm.  Because we get a days notice for this next test, I hopefully will actually get to work tomorrow and pick the pups up so my dog guilt stops.

People have asked how much snow we have left. Well as of Sunday, this was our back deck:

We haven't used the BBQ for awhile.  While it has been pretty darn cold in the mornings (close to -20C/4 F) the weather looks like it is going to start to warm up and the rain will help wash the snow away. (Temperatures are in Celsius)


  1. Hari OM
    Phew - tiring as that all is, at least some answers are coming as to likely diagnosis - then management that much easier (though adjusting for things like IBS can be a challenge). POTP continues for Man, huggies to you, waggles to the pups! YAM xx

  2. Lots of POTP to Man and luffs and hugs
    Gosh, you've been flying around all over the place Lady, take care and don't get too worn out, luffs and hugs to you as well
    Your Tuesday weather looks similar to what I haf...although wiv alot less snow!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Hailey ad Phod,
    Oh my gosh we have heard that colitis is very very painful. One of mom's friends has it and it can be a grizzly bear to deal with too. I hope and purr things are figured out before this week is over. Dang that is some high snow. I won't tell you about our weather...but I will blow some hot kitty breaths up your way.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. that was one long day - waiting at hospitals is so frustrating too - why does everything have to take so long.

  5. I hope so much that good things come to you (I don't mean snow lol)all our paws and fingers are crossed that the Man feels better and that things go back to normal...hugs to you all, wish we would live closer so Easy would be happy to get sleepover guests :o)

  6. We're sorry you're having to go through so much craziness! We hope the Man feels better soon.

  7. Holy cat poop what a day you and Man had. Paws crossed for better days and no snow.

    Aroo to you,

  8. We MUST stop whining about our weather now that we have seen yours. Sounds like your week has started on a very stressful note. Mom says she understands about the guilt of leaving the dogs. We sure hope Man starts to feel better, and they figure out what is going on....worrying causes a lot of stress you do not need. keeping you in our thoughts, gets some rest lady. stella rose

  9. You can send your snow to us! Mom wouldn't like it, but we sure would!!!

  10. In my experience, these hospital things always take more time than you ever imagine. And then, in the UK at least, you have to pay a king's ransom for parking too! Wishing you extra doses of patience. I'm sure it was a good call to have Hailey and Phod off your hands for at least a short while.
    Best wishes, Gail.

  11. Well, as they say "We plan and God laughs"....praying your husband is on the mend soon so that your life can return to "normal"......I am sure he would do the same for you if God forbid the tables were reversed. DakotasDen

  12. Gosh the fun just never stops does it? We're in "waiting for results" mode with David's CT Scan - possible chronic diverticulitis - what's with our guys and their "innards" ?? Hope things are easily cured/fixed for THE MAN, and hoping the results of my guys' CT Scan (which they said would be 2-3 days!) show just some inflammation. Gosh - at least we have gorgeous weather for our hospital trips - snow would definitely impact us BIG TIME. Today it's 76 degrees!

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)

  13. Oh my goodness, I've been so on-and-off with blog visits, I had no idea all this was going on with you! I know how exhausting dealing with hospitals and tests can be, but your experience - coupled with what looks like a good couple feet of snow - is really tough. I think you made the right call to put the pups in doggy day care for so many reasons. I do hope things go back to normal soon and that your husband's condition is diagnosed and treated quickly and easily. Sending positive Havachon hugs to you!

  14. Don't feel guilty about the dogs, think how guilty you would have felt with them being home and yo away for that long. We hope that the problem can be diagnosed and fixed, so Man will be up again, walking the dogs soon.

  15. Busy! You are up way earlier than me, I hate getting up early. I hope Man will be all healed up soon!

  16. We are sending our POTP for The Man to get feeling better!!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  17. We sure hope they figure out just what is going on with man and he can get to feeling better!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  18. Daycare was probably the best choice for you and the pups, less chaos for both. So sorry that you haven't gotten a solid answer yet but you seem closer. Do your research online so that you can start working on dietary changes. I do know that probiotics are probably a good start no matter what with the G.I. tract. Tell the Man good luck with the colonoscopy.
    The Mom

  19. We send lots of purrs to the Man. You sure still have a lot of snow. We got some warm weather yesterday and today...and now ours is all gone.

  20. Oh gosh, that is just too much. I hope things settle down for you soon, that they get this all figured out so the man can get on the mend.
    I can't believe all the snow you have!

  21. HOLY YELLOW SNOW BALLS!!!! Wowsa, I needs a nap just reading that! Sounds like what Ma went through with Gma when she was sick. Ma recommends some good games on your smartphone or tablet to pass the time....books seem too hard to read in that environment, at least Ma thought so. Hopefully, you won't have to go through anymore of those test days though...{{hugs}}} and POTP!!!!!! oh, and a few pitchers of margaritas for you when you gets home....oh, and barks-out to Hailey and Phod! you knows they understand..
    Ruby ♥

  22. Oh my - not easy at all. You are being an amazing rock for your family. I hope that things calm down very soon.

  23. Lots of time in hospital is the worst. I am going through something similar with my dad at the moment so I completely get where you are coming from!

  24. We are keeping our paws crossed for all of you but especially the Man. We can't believe you have that much snow. We had a record high of 74F (23C) today and all our snow is gone.


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