
Friday, June 7, 2024

Nature Friday - Lady is so Proud

Dear pals,

Lady has decided to take on the spot around the well as her 3rd garden. Her dream is to dig this up and make it an official garden, but she is realistic with her time, energy and her elbow (she is recovering from very bad tennis elbow) that this is not getting done this year. So she came up with a pretty solution. She is very proud of this.

Hailey refused to pose closer - isn't it pretty?

And in other exciting news, Lady's sunflowers are sprouting.

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting Nature Friday.


  1. Lady's garden looks wonderful and mom knows all about tennis elbow and it is painful for a long time.

  2. To me that's the best way to garden and it looks beautiful and it's easy to do because digging requires a lot more work

  3. I am proud for Lady...I see R E D too. Exciting to see the itty bitty sunflower sprouts. BEfore long they will sky high.
    Dag blasted on the slow healing elbow.
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Containers are a great way to make a garden without all the work of turning over the soil on the ground. Your Lady's garden looks great!

  5. Well done Lady. We think you are right to be proud.

  6. Hari Om
    Brava, that Lady!!! The pot garden is perfect. And hooray for sunflowers... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx


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