
Monday, June 10, 2024

Mischief Monday - The Itch - By Phod

 Dear pals,

On Friday I had to go to the V-E-T for my mostly librela. It is still helping, just not for a full month. Anyway, Lady asked the nice tech to look at this little bald spot on my side. The tech said it looked like an infection and I have to go back to the vet this week for a full exam.

If you could send some POTP my way. I will report back later this week on what is up.

An itchy but sad cause he may not be able to go into the lake Phod


  1. always another visit.. so sorry sweet Phod

  2. Poor Phod! Cinnamon feels for you. She had 2 surgeries last fall and was so distressed that Mom took Kozmo with her to the vet last week. (Kozmo needed a check up too). That made her less distressed. The vet laughed because they kept touching noses. We are sending you purrayers Phod and we do hope it clears and you can go swimming! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on our Meezer post! Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Cinnamon, Jo Jo and Mom Barb.

  3. Hari OM
    Awww, POTP definitely boosted for you darling Phoddy! As for the Librela, I had heard of a one or two other pupsters who are on it finding that it doesn't quite hold the full month; maybe a diminishing returns sort of med? That can be an issue, coz the tendency is to up dosing and that is not neccesarily th best either. But I am sure you V.E.T. is Very Equal to the Task! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. OH PHOD for sure we are sending loads of POTP for your itch/infection. Dag gone just as the weather warms up and you can play it might be causing you to be itchy
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Collodial silver sprayed on it would take it away or calendula.

  6. Not go to the lake? That's terrible. Phod, we hope the vet can sort out your itch very soon!


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