
Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Two Different Reactions

Last weekend, after doing a lot of yard work, I decided to lay down in the grass. This is how each of the dogs reacted to this.

First up - Phod

What are you doing Lady?

This is scary

Why are you being weird?

I am going to stay over here

And with the complete opposite reaction, Miss Bug

Now that I licked up your nose, I am going to stand over you and you can pet my belly

How do you think your dog would react if you did this?


  1. I am loving both reactions. since I can't get on the floor or grass, have no way to know what bob would do. super shots of Phod

  2. BOL BOL BOL OMDs Phod...Lady was certainly poking your cage with that. Lee you went in for a kiss and belly rub.
    Now Angel Madi considered every flat surface in the house hers especially on the floor under the sky light when there was a sunpuddle. One had to get prior approval to take use her sunpuddle. She would sniff and snort and paw especially if I was in the puddle in the red room. It was her favorite
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. I couldn't wait for the reactions from each of your dogs. I am grinning like a ninny at both reactions.
    No one can resist a good licking if you are on the ground.

  4. We do this at home on the carpet...and both pups give us kisses and get all silly

  5. Our mom will sometimes do that when there is lots of snow on the ground and we both come over and jump all over her. BOL!

  6. If one of us is ever on the ground they are trained to call 911

  7. Hari Om
    Angel Jade was always a be near kinda galdog. So, pretty much what Lee did! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx


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