
Friday, June 14, 2024

Nature Friday - Friends and Flowers - by Lee

 Dear pals,

I know Lady has been complaining that old me barks at everything. Well the other day, I was barking and barking and barking and Lady finally came to check it out.

It was a deer friend. She just stood there and then slowly walked away. 

Lady said I should show you her alliums. They are looking very pretty. These are set it and forget it flowers (she planted the bulbs 2 or 3 years ago), so totally in her scope. One evening Lady saw 3 types of bees enjoying them and this made her happy. 

Thanks to Rosy and Sunny for hosting this event. 

your pal, Hailey Bug


  1. wow, those purple balls are perfect for nature friday

  2. Hari Om
    Oh, a doe, a deer, and allium to cheer... 😊 Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Lee, I purrsonally think Lady might need to just come when you first call. Who knows what you are seeing and what will make a very lovely Nature Friday post. Hello lovely deer!
    I love the alliums. I didn't realize they were bulbs. that is what I need something to plant and forget. Must check Logan's for those bulbs.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Your Alliums are just gorgeous!

  5. We can't believe that deer didn't runaway, we are sure he was scared of you inside BOL!
    Such beautiful Alliums, we are glad the bees are enjoying them!
    Rosy & Sunny

  6. Those are pretty alliums, and that cheeky deer was totally asking to be barked at.

  7. We like to bark at the deer around our house too. Those alliums are very pretty.

  8. It is nice when the deer come to visit, as long as they don't demand a meal too

  9. We have never seen allium. They are beautiful. Mom may have to look for some of those bulbs. We had a deer just outside our fence last week eating the berries on a tree back there. Mom was astonished that we just stayed on our deck and stared.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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