
Monday, June 17, 2024

Mischief Monday - This and That - by Lee

 Dear pals,

It was a less eventful week here last week. Less mischief to be had.  Here are some of the things that have happened.

We had a terrible storm on Thursday and some dog may have had the poop scared out of her twice. 

Man and Lady have taken to going on long walks without us. Something about exercise and us not being able to walk as far, which although may be true is still rude. 

Phod has been responding well to his meds and isn't nearly as itchy.  He doesn't like all the medication and treatment and tries to run away.  So it is a procedure and sometimes I am a little jealous of all the attention. 

Lady was out all day Saturday and come home smelling like cat. 

The people have decided they love sitting on the back deck now, and we don't love it, even when they try and make it comfortable for us.

As you can see, just sort of a normal level of mischief right now. Hope all is well with you.

Your pal, Hailey Bug


  1. Normal is good. We're so pleased to read that Phod is less itchy just now.

  2. sometimes it is like christmouse when mr. normal knock on our door... and sometimes that normal feels like not normal... ;O)

  3. Lee, Phod, Lady and MAN
    Today in 2016 we were all meeting up at the B.A.R...what an absolute pleasure it was to meet you 4!!!
    I'm very happy the meds are working Phod oh dear Lee that must have been some loud storm accidents happen
    Hugs cecilia

  4. We're glad to hear there wasn't much mischief going on in your house and that Phod is feeling better with his medication.

  5. Norman is always good and it looks like you two are having to adjust to a new normal. so sorry that is happening to you but its happening here too. the good news is all three of us are about the same age so what is good for one is good for all

  6. Nothing wrong with a little normal!
    Rosy & Sunny

  7. Less eventful and mischievous is good!

  8. We love long walks, but Lightning couldn't do long ones either. He was usually content with a walk around the yard or up the street for a few houses. We love our deck. We hope you learn to enjoy it too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


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