
Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Itch Update - By Phod

 Dear pals, 

I had the most terrible appointment at the V-E-T.

I am not impressed

First, I had to go in the Man's scary car. I have never been in it before. The seats aren't as wide and I didn't like it. Then the vet poked all my itchy spots and even worse made my lay on my back so she could inspect my undercarriage.

What she determined is that I have a bacteria infection. She very insultingly said it is because I am old and can't shake properly after a swim and I lay down a lot. Even worse she said no lake unless I have a bath after and am completely dried (like blowdried, dried). 

While we await the culture results, I am taking an antibiotic twice a day (it is actually not too terrible tasting and Lee seems jealous I am getting it) and I need to have my itchy spots treated with foam. It is rather personal where some of the infection is and I am not sure Lady should be poking around there. We have found a way to do this standing up, which I like a little better. 

Also, my floppy ear is infected. So both ears need a cleaning every other day and the infected one needs meds in it. 

At any rate, this is not the best days of my life. I go for a follow up in about 2 weeks. 

If you have some POTP for a quick recovery, your old pal could use it.

Your itch pal, Zaphod


  1. Phod you can join me in staying out of the water. since I got OLD I don't go to the beach any more and it was my fav thing to do... sounds like your swimming days are over, but how to keep you out is the problem. lots of POTP flying fast up your way

  2. PHOD we send you a ton of POTP...I personally send extra...I have very sensitive skin that can turn itcy in a nano second. thankful to say (LOL) my itching is above the waist. Thankful lady has found away to treat your nether regions while keeping you dignity.
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We're sorry to hear about all your itchie spots, Phod. Our paws are crossed that you feel better soon.

  4. Why does life have to be so difficult for you, Phod. I send you lots of SpanielZen and my paws are crossed that you are less itchy soon.

  5. Hari Om
    Oh dear, that's not the best of news. Of course you have all the POTP I can muster! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Oh dear Phod, we are sending a maximum dose of POTB with extra wishes that you will be allowed back into your favourite lake before too long.

  7. Sending lots and lots of healing POTP your way Phod, and hope you are frlicking in your lake again soon
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Oh Phod, we are just so very sorry for all your woes. The need to be thoroughly dried is Mom's #1 concern whenever we are groomed. That undercoat has to be totally dry or a fungus can develop and get infected. We know you don't like to have all those treatments, but we hope they will work and make all your itchies go away soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. We are praying the medicne knocks it out good buddy


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