
Monday, May 22, 2023

Happy Victoria Day!

Hi pals,

Most Canadians are celebrating Victoria Day. Known as the May Two-Four, we have celebrated Queen Victoria's birthday, May 24, the Monday before May 25 since at least 1845. It now represents the day we celebrate the reigning monarch's birthday as well- so Happy Birthday King Charles!

Typically people celebrate it with visits to the garden centre (because at least in our part of the world frost should be behind us), bbqs, times with friends and family and fireworks. Fun fact: In Ontario, where Lady grew up, people often referred to a case of beer as a Two-Four. So often when people the Two-Four weekend, they are referring to the opportunity to drink a lot. Many people do celebrate their long weekends doing this. Lady and Man might go crazy and have a drink!

Lady's first attempt of a make it yourself planter. Made Saturday, and had to sleep in the garage Saturday night due to frost. 

Now as Quebecers, we are sort of at a conflict, because in Quebec, it is National Patriots' Day, This day is to commemorate democracy and the rebellion against the British in 1837. Lady has only just learned that we are both celebrating the birth of a monarchy and celebrating rising against them.  In spite of her conflicted views of the monarchy, Lady says we will stick to the celebrating of the monarch, because they are the head of State, for better or for worse. 

Note: In Ontario, the province Lady grew up in, a Two-four, refers to a case of beer. Hence, May two-four, is known for people getting together for drinks. 


  1. happy canada to you all... have a great day and fabulous spring weather

  2. However/whichever/whatever way you celebrate: Happy Happy Happy!

  3. Happy Victoria Day, and Happy Happy Happy things happening to all of you today. this sounds alot like our Memorial day, July 4th, both are for drinking and picnics.

  4. Hari OM
    Any excuse for a party is the message I am reading here!!! As long as the pupsters get extra treats and play, I guess that's okay... Right, Z&H??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Happy Victoria Day and we love the cheerful flowers in your planter!

  6. BOL BOL calling today TWO-FOUR is fun no matter what you celebrate.
    I love your crowns
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. So for every drink for the adults, a treat for the pups, right?
    Happy Two-Four!

  8. Happy Victoria Day! We get to celebrate Memorial Day this coming weekend.

  9. Have a drink or four for both sides and make the peace

  10. In 2024 I plan to read her journals.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  11. Thanks for telling us about your holiday. Happy Victoria Day! Oh, and good luck with your gardening. We usually don't plant anything until after Memorial day here in WNY.


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