
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Trouble on a Tuesday - A Dramatic Recreation

 Why is there a very tired, wet dog, on my office floor (where she never sleeps)?

The scene: A very rainy Tuesday afternoon, when both Lady and Man are at home.

Lady had 6 minutes between meetings to put a Hailey dog, who needed to do her business, out.

Hailey, after doing her business, decided to run away.

Lady had to come back into the house to log into the meeting. 

Lady texted Man, who was also in a meeting.

Man grumpily left his meeting to go outside in the pouring rain.

Lady could here Hailey barking.

Man was able to rather quickly get her back into the house.

It seems, she got a scent of a groundhog, and cornered it under a pallet of bricks. The groundhog was hissing and the Hailey was barking. 

While she was not happy to come back in, she was very proud of herself for her wonderful hunting. It only would have been better if she could have deaded the hog.


  1. glad you could meet each other in da hopuse... we hope all meetings went smooth..... it seems canada has a hand for online meetings... as long as it will not end like the meeting of william amos hahahahaha

  2. Hail (not the kind that falls down from da sky) to the Huntress! Wet but well done.

  3. of course she had to go out while both of you were on meetings. the hog chose that time to make a noise, Murphy's Law had something to do with it all I am thinking.

  4. Hailey, you lead such an enviably exciting life.
    If only we had groundhogs in my neck of the woods...

  5. You are a fierce hunter, Hailey. It would be better if you came in when called when your parents are working from home. Otherwise, they might decide to work in the office and leave you and Phod home alone!

  6. Hari OM
    Peeps can be such wowsers at times, eh Hailey-bug??? Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Hailey darlin' you are crusin' for a bruisin'
    No a good time to turn on your selective hearing aid
    Hugs to a devoted staff

  8. You've got to be careful with groundhogs. One summer day, several years ago, Joey and Chester cornered a groundhog in the back yard. It turned and hissed at them and seemed like it was going to fight. At the last moment, the groundhog darted into the garage back door. I shut the door quickly so the dogs wouldn't follow. Considering the amount of junk Dad has in the garage, it didn't lack any hiding places in there and scooted around underneath everything. Then son Jason happened to come home and opened the front garage door. To his surprise, the groundhog ran right between his legs and out the front door!

    I'm glad you were able to find Hailey in time and get her home safely. Too bad she (and you) got all wet.

  9. Oh Hailey, what an exciting adventure that must have been...OH, we mean, ummmm, not a good decision Hailey...BOL
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. Bummer it had to be raining.

  11. Better a hedgehog than the dreaded skunk:). Imagine wet dog smell mixed with skunk!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


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