
Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thankful Thursday - Field Walks Return

The simple things in life are keeping us smiling during these difficult times. Now that the grass is longer and the weather a bit drier we are back to field walks. Don't worry, we have meds to keep us safe from tics and Lady and Man check us for them. In the 10 years out here, we have seen one dead tic in the bathroom.

We had not been for a walk to the back of the field since the derecho. Lady was sad to see her favourite tree, the one with the face, was damaged. As you can see, there was so much damage, followed by not great weather that it isn't all cleaned up yet, in spite the fact, especially on weekends, the hills are alive with the sound of chainsaws.

There were other trees and tree branches down in places too. 

Phod made Lady laugh a lot when instead of going around one tree (there was plenty of room), he walked down the trunk!

Hailey found her inner Tigger and bounced through the field. Thrilled to be in it completely off leash!


We are thankful to our wonderful neighbours the Q's for sharing their field with us!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Lake Life Returns - by Phod

Dear pals,

I kept making sad eyes at the Lady about not being able to go swimming so she texted my vet and asked when I could go swimming again.  For once I am thankful they are friends. He said "Couple of weeks for swimming as long as not itchy." Lady said "Phod says thanks for letting him swim." My vet said "Just trying to keep him happy." 

I did have to wait a few more days after this exchange to get to go (because of the weather and something about not wanting a wet dog in the house before friends came over), but it was worth the wait. Lady and Man quickly noted I could not swim as deep, I seemed to be taking in a lot of water. They aren't sure if it was because I was just toooooooooooooooo excited or if it is because I am a senior. Anyway, they kept me in shallower water and there wasn't much of a problem. I was just happy to get to go!

One happy boy!

It was hot enough that even Lee, who is not a water dog, joined in a bit!

She even got brave enough to go on the dock. Lady wonders if she is going senile because historically she has hated the dock. Mind you, this is the first time she could be off leash on the dock.

It was a great time and totally worth needing ear cleaning later!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Mischief Monday - Where To Even Begin

Well, that was a week! 

Lady doesn't even know how to summarize all the mischief so she will give you the highlights.

We had another storm and power outage on Tuesday. Phod was terrified.  Man had a migraine and Lady had to go fetch the gas for the generator as we were out!

There are no lights, clearly we are going to die.

That night Lady found out that her trip to Africa was cancelled for the second time. The possible travel chaos the reason (so still related to Covid really).

On the plus side, you get to spend the summer with me!

It was not the best first day of summer to say the least.

Work was insane the entire week as the whole world was grumpy. Is it because of the weather? (It was gross and stormy followed by being very hot). It it because of the seemingly never ending chaos and bad news? In a good moment Lady says she can watch the collapse of civilization or the end of the world with curiosity and on a bad one, she wonders how we can just speed it up. 

We have been helpful by providing love and comfort and 

At least we have each other!

by coming back with only a little support after going for a solo walk in the woods.

I came back, I usually do now . . . . 

Maybe this week will be a little gentler!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Final Fiction Nature Friday - How Does Your Garden Grow

 Thanks to Aunty-Yam for hosting Final Fiction Friday and Rosy for hosting Nature Friday.

As we have mentioned, Lady is a bit obsessed with her attempts at gardening. One of the items on her 22 in 22 list was to try and grow something to eat outside. 

Here we are sniffing around - far more interesting than Lady's garden

She went to a market and asked what would be the easiest thing to grow outside, what was she least likely to kill. The woman who was helping her, looked a little like a deer in headlights. Lady is sure she thought Lady was weird, but Lady did not care. In the end the woman and the guy helping her, picked a zucchini plant for Lady. So far, so good.


green, small

growing, spreading, living

Making our Lady smile

a miracle

Thursday, June 23, 2022

A Birthday Hike

Lady asked for a birthday hike and we were more than happy to oblige her!

We hopped in the car, sniffing our way there! 

We were concerned it could be the vet we were going to.

We were excited to see a dogs welcomed sign!

We looked at the map to think about where we wanted to go. Lady is now old, so maybe we should stick to the green 'easy' trails. 

We were at Nakkertok - a park about 10 minutes from our house for hiking,  cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Lady and Man hiked here in the winter but we had never been. 

We waited patiently near the entrance as Lady dropped our poops in the garbage (at least we got them out before we got on the trails!)

A hiking we went!

Always remember to look up friends!

So much to sniff!

Pause for a picture

Stop with the pictures, let's go!

Lady couldn't always keep up!

Stream water!

This had us alarmed! It was before a very, very steep hill!

 Not a bad walk for a bunch of oldies! It was very mucky in places and steep in places and we pulled a lot! There were no other people around (in spite seeing a few cars in the parking lot), the bugs weren't bad and there was so much to sniff! We hope to get to go back soon! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Selfie Day!

 We are not excited to be participating in National Selfie-Day. While Phod was honoured to be one of the animals on the badge (see below), we were not thrilled with Lady making us pose for usies with her. 

We are sure you will enjoy them (she is at least happy!)

Monday, June 20, 2022

Mischief Monday - Can I Blame Some Other Dog? By Phod

 Dear pals,

It has been a terrible few days here. Ever since that big storm we have had a lot of issues with our power. It flickers or goes out like almost everyday. There is nothing scarier for me than us not having power.

Last Thursday, we had a mini-storm (nothing like derecho or the tornados they were calling for) but enough wind that this tree was on the power lines near our house and we had no power Thursday evening.

Lady stopped to take this picture as she was driving home. 

The wind continued the next couple of days and even though it was sunny it was very windy. Lady and Man had a very special night planned Saturday and gave us some valium before going out as we were stressed.  They were going to a nice dinner to celebrate Lady's birthday (which was yesterday). They were gone for about 3 and a half hours and were home by 7:30.

I may have hid under the island at one point during the week

When Lady went downstairs with a cup of tea after her return she found a huge mess. Some doggy had made a big poop in the middle of the floor. Lady said that and a pee may have been forgivable but the 6 pees were a little too much to be an accident. Basically the whole games room was just pee. Lady had called up to Man to ask him to bring the cleaning supplies because 'some dog had peed everywhere' and he thought she was exaggerating until he came to the scene.

Trying to be remorseful

At any rate, Lady said she loved me but was not happy with my behaviour. I tried to say some other dog did it, but she didn't buy it. She said she could see the guilt in my eyes.

Well, we are lucky, Man is officially working at home forever now, so we won't be alone too much. 

Friday, June 17, 2022

Nature Friday - Bush - by Lee

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting this hop.

As there is nothing new blooming in the Lady's garden, I thought I would take the time to share things I love, the bush.

There are always a lot of good smells in the bush, that is because we have a lot of wildlife. 

Here I am sniffing the bush

These are wild strawberries, that never grow fruit and I am letting Lady share this for her flower fix. Please know her only responsibility for these growing is she didn't weed wack them. They are totally natural. 

More sniffing to do!

Lady and Man leave the bush thick here. This is between our lawn, a small garden and the road. It is a natural dog fence! Some day Lady may cut it down - because they neighbours took out a lot of theirs (and got poison ivy in the process), but it looks much nicer).

This flower bed is beside the bush. The tulips didn't do as well here because someone ate them. Lady thinks the deer! 

As you may recall, we have been working on digging a tunnel between our place and Phenny and Nelly's place in France. Well, when the big storm came, one of the trees sort of fell onto our entrance. We hope the peeps get it moved soon1 

If you look closely you can see the dark spot in the middle, the hole, and over it branches from the tree!

I hope you enjoyed a little of the bush in our front yard. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

So Tired! by Phod

With the vet, and new friends, and thunderstorms and flickering power, and regular visits from Callie and her kids, I am totally tired out.  Must rest up because who knows what this weekend will bring (Lady turns extra old on Sunday so anything is possible!)

Thanks to June's Lady for creating this for me. Do you think it will get me in the lake faster?
(Lady says if I would wear a swim cap, we can talk - hmmmm is it worth the hat tax?)