
Friday, June 17, 2022

Nature Friday - Bush - by Lee

 Thanks to Rosy for hosting this hop.

As there is nothing new blooming in the Lady's garden, I thought I would take the time to share things I love, the bush.

There are always a lot of good smells in the bush, that is because we have a lot of wildlife. 

Here I am sniffing the bush

These are wild strawberries, that never grow fruit and I am letting Lady share this for her flower fix. Please know her only responsibility for these growing is she didn't weed wack them. They are totally natural. 

More sniffing to do!

Lady and Man leave the bush thick here. This is between our lawn, a small garden and the road. It is a natural dog fence! Some day Lady may cut it down - because they neighbours took out a lot of theirs (and got poison ivy in the process), but it looks much nicer).

This flower bed is beside the bush. The tulips didn't do as well here because someone ate them. Lady thinks the deer! 

As you may recall, we have been working on digging a tunnel between our place and Phenny and Nelly's place in France. Well, when the big storm came, one of the trees sort of fell onto our entrance. We hope the peeps get it moved soon1 

If you look closely you can see the dark spot in the middle, the hole, and over it branches from the tree!

I hope you enjoyed a little of the bush in our front yard. 


  1. ooh wild strawberries... that's something special... why they have no fruits? are the deer faster than you or is that a non fruity species?

  2. Hari OM
    Fabulous tour of your bush/wilderness garden, Lee darling. I do love a 'frilly' garden...Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Oh dear for sure stay clear of Poison can be a nasty experiences.
    Happy Nature Friday in Canada
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I love the bush natural, just like your pawrents are leaving it!

  5. wow, and we were waiting to see the meeting between the two of you and those wild wiems. sorry about the tree plugging your hole. I say leave the wild jungle growth between you and others. we are fans of all natural and love the strawberry plants and flowers. beau loves sticking his face in bushes for smells also..

  6. I agree - lots of great sniffs in the tall native grass!

  7. What a lovely bush you get lots of bunnies there?? I can come help you chase them if you want?

  8. Wow, you have wild strawberries?! How cool. They sure have precious little flowers, don't they? I'll bet there are some little critters that live in your bushes. We'd be sniffing them out too.
    Your fur-iends,
    Norman & Elsa 🐾

  9. What an interesting place to explore, Hailey. Those wild strawberries usually grow very small and might get eaten before you even notice any that are ripe.

  10. Thanks for the tour of your bush. Although I am not sure that the 'natural dog fence' would be impenetrable to a wire-haired fox terrier. After all, our wiry furs are specifically designed to enable us to penetrate such terrain.
    Oh and did you see that I am working on a tunnel too. Perhaps we could connect up?

  11. Hi cousin, Ojo here! Smelly bushes are the BEST! Especially when they hold PEE!!!

  12. My guess an deer at the tulip.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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