
Monday, June 27, 2022

Mischief Monday - Where To Even Begin

Well, that was a week! 

Lady doesn't even know how to summarize all the mischief so she will give you the highlights.

We had another storm and power outage on Tuesday. Phod was terrified.  Man had a migraine and Lady had to go fetch the gas for the generator as we were out!

There are no lights, clearly we are going to die.

That night Lady found out that her trip to Africa was cancelled for the second time. The possible travel chaos the reason (so still related to Covid really).

On the plus side, you get to spend the summer with me!

It was not the best first day of summer to say the least.

Work was insane the entire week as the whole world was grumpy. Is it because of the weather? (It was gross and stormy followed by being very hot). It it because of the seemingly never ending chaos and bad news? In a good moment Lady says she can watch the collapse of civilization or the end of the world with curiosity and on a bad one, she wonders how we can just speed it up. 

We have been helpful by providing love and comfort and 

At least we have each other!

by coming back with only a little support after going for a solo walk in the woods.

I came back, I usually do now . . . . 

Maybe this week will be a little gentler!


  1. wow we hope for a much much better week...that was a hard time you had to stand

  2. Your "adventures" remind me of the children's book entitled, ....The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!

  3. Hari OM
    It was full moon. That's my excuse and I offer you the use of it. Things should settle again. For a month... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh no. So sorry that Lady's trip has been cancelled AGAIN. And storms and insane work and imminent collapse of civilization too.
    Hailey and Phod, you have your paws full providing support to your peeps.

  5. Sigh. The world sighs with you.

  6. Wow, this is even crazier that Moan-day Monday with the Weims. You are right about the world chaos and all of it effects all of us, no matter where we live. So glad you daddy was home to cuddle with Phod.. ON NO Hailey, stop that running away

  7. Bummer that Lady's trip was cancelled AGAIN. We hope this week is a much better week for you.

  8. Maybe you should come and live with us, Phod. There have been plenty of storms here in WNY lately, but somehow, they all miss us and go south or west of us.

  9. Thank goodness the humans have us to lean on!!
    Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

  10. We have our paws crossed that you have a better week this week.


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