
Friday, September 18, 2020

Nature Friday - Bird Edition

Thanks to Rosy for hosting Nature Friday. This week we share some assorted bird pictures from the Trail Cam.

First, one of Lady's favourites. She thinks it is some kind of flicker (which we recently learned is a type of woodpecker).

While the branch on the side caused some issues moving in the wind, it did give us some up close shots of the chickadee and blue jay.

And finally we have the loud crows. There are usually at least 3 around, but there can be more. They tend to be very loud. 


  1. wow that's a crow-d .. we like crows they often act like people...LOL

  2. yes, crows are loud. ours sound like loud HA HA's and the more they are the louder they are.. good shot of the flicker. i enlarged to see the detals

  3. Hari OM
    the life of birds! Nice place to have the camera. YAM xx

  4. How fun that you get to spy on the birds with your trail cam.

  5. Yep that is a flicker. I love them. Now that the HOTs are over I have my suet feeder out (suet melts in a nano second here in the summer...even the no melt kind). I had a flicker the other day and Downy woodpecker.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Your trail cam is picking up beautiful birds!

  7. It's nice to see big, healthy crows again. A few years ago, many were wiped out by West Nile virus.

  8. Very cool. Who knew birds liked to photobomb trail cams?

  9. That camera is so much fun! The things it captures.

  10. Maybe I should post something from game camera.

  11. We are wondering if the crows are as loud as the ones we heard in the park this morning. Are crows maybe particularly loud at this time of year?

  12. You're lucky to have such a variety of birdies in your yard!


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