
Sunday, November 11, 2012

We remember

Today we pause to remember the men, women and animals who have given their lives so we can be free. Words do not express our gratitude for the sacrifices of past and present military personal and their families. We hope our moment of silence will.

On November 3, 2012 a new monument to Animals at War was unveiled in Ottawa. We have yet to visit it, but look forward to seeing it soon. For more information about it it visit


  1. We have something similar in the UK. It's good that the animals involved in warfare are being recognised xx

    1. It is good. I think people think it takes away from the human sacrifices but it doesn't!

  2. I agree with Misaki, we live near her in the UK. Did you know, homing pigeons played a big part in the war too. We never knew that . xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. I just learned about pigeons and dolphins on the radio last week!

  3. Hey Lee, Hey Phod, Jet here.

    Thank you for an exquisite photo, a moment of silence and a lifetime of remembrance.

    Thank you also for sharing the new monument. We K9s did help and deserve honor and remembrance as well. :)

    1. I borrowed the pictures from the internet:) Credit goes to whomever took them!

  4. Great post! I didn't know about the monument to animals that was unveiled in Ottawa.


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